2017-02-03 Mayors Meeting minutesMayors / Managers meeting February 3, 2017 9:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Dennis Dawes, Bonnie Canaday, Lee Napier, Jill Anderson, Dan Mortensen, Rob Hill, Lonnie Willey, Lonnie Dowell, John Sayers, Matt Matayoshi Guests: Linda Williams Recorder: Rachel Hunt Call to order Commissioner Fund said there wasn’t a need for introductions as everyone knows each other. Legislation Commissioner Fund said she has been at the legislature the last couple of days. House Bill #1595 relates to Public Disclosure Requests and possible changes in how the requests can be handled. Linda Williams addressed the group in regards to current gun right legislation in the House- Bill #1122 and #1387 Commissioner Fund stated the representative from Senator Cantwell’s office couldn’t attend because of ice. In an email Dena Horton said she will be setting up a meeting with the Seattle Corps of Engineers in regards to China Creek. Mayor Dawes said he feels as though the Portland Corps would better suit the needs of Lewis County. Commissioner Fund asked Matt Matayoshi to talk about the bill they testified before the Senate Ways and Means Committee. This would be asking for money to transfer TransAlta from coal plant to a gas plant. Commissioner Fund discussed how the counties talked about indigent defense. She said the Counties will continue to push back against the state in terms of making the County and City fund the defense. Commissioner Fund mentioned the County has lifted the marijuana moratorium. Roundtable Discussion John Sayers (Napavine) said the City is getting ready for spring. He said no news is good news. Commissioner Fund mentioned they met with land owners about the Kirkland Rd. project. Mayor Dawes asked if something has changed with the Newakum River citing it normally doesn’t flood unless the Chehalis is already high. Lonnie Willey (Pe Ell) said he will be taking over possession of the Willapa Park. Eager for spring and Ride the Willapa coming in June. Lonnie Dowell (Winlock) First street bridge construction should start in May. Public works position has been filled. Matt Matayoshi said they have been doing work to get utilities out to the Benaroya site. Bonnie Cannaday (Centralia) City will have music in the park this summer. George Washington celebration- working on fundraisers for a statue which will be in Washington Park. 30- unit apartment complex is to be built on Harrison which should be ready by November. Rob Hill said there will a cold storage building built out by the Port of Centralia. Estimating 200-400 jobs. Linda Williams asked how much the statue will cost? Bonnie Cannaday replied that it will cost $100,000. Matt Matayoshi (EDC) discussed current distribution projects. He discussed a need for a workforce and housing for the people to be employed in the distribution centers. Dan Mortensen (Morton) mentioned the City had a boil water order last month. They issued a code red for the notice and put the notification out three times. The notice lasted about four days. He also added they are eager for spring time to be able to work on several projects. Dennis Dawes (Chehalis) discussed the Transportation initiative on the ballot for February. Working on Airport area developments. He noted an increase in building permits. He said the Farmer’s Market would like a second day for the market. Working with the surrounding cities to not have conflicting events. Jill Anderson added current improvements at the Water Treatment Plant. Lee Napier (Community Development) Plan Growth Committee meeting is February 8th. Hired John Kling to come in and talk about population projection. Would also like to look at updating interlocal agreements from 2006. Lee also mentioned she has also spent a lot of time in Olympia. She discussed the Hirst decision and how it relates to Lewis County. Lonnie Dowell asked about an update on the Senior Centers. Commissioner Fund added there is board reviewing what other counties do throughout the state. The meetings are every other week at 1:00 pm and will be rotating through the locations. Commissioner Fund asked about the Amtrak station in Centralia losing staff at the location. She also added the Bonagofski properties have new owners and will be cleaning them up. Matt Matayoshi mentioned how this could have development implications since it is on the way to the industrial park in Centralia. Mayor Dawes left at 10:17 Next Months agenda- Talk about the Army Corps of Engineers Portland/Seattle with the federal partners. Meeting ended at 10:20.