2017-02-01 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update Wednesday, February 1, 2017 9:00 am Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Paulette Young (Via Skype), Lee Napier, Erik Martin, Archie Smith, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Bill Teitzel, Sheila Gray, Doug Carey, Steve Walton, Carma Oaksmith, Becky Butler Guests: Susan DeLaire, Harry Bhagwandin Recorder: Rachel Hunt Item 1- Erik Martin discussed a Notice of Hearing- Vacation of A. Wood Rd., near Seminary Hill Rd. right of way will revert back to the original parcel owner. Item 2- Erik Martin discussed a Notice of Hearing- proposed modifications to the Vader-Enchanted Valley Water system fee and rate schedule. He also mentioned how this system is expensive to run. This will be the first rate increase since 2011. Item 3- Call for bids for official newspaper to publish all of Lewis County's legal and other official notices Item 4- Appoval of warrants. Item 5 Lee Napier spoke to the consent resolution to approve amendment #2 to interagency Agreement, RCO# 15-1475, - Item 6- Lee Napier discussed the West Contract. Ongoing maintenance of flood gauge system. This is considered a local project, RCO will reimburse the county. Item 7- A Jail commissary services resolution was briefly discussed Item 8- Erik Martin discussed a resolution approving a mitigation credit purchase - purchase of 0.10 acres of category III wetlands. Cost- 26,500.00 Erik Martin said it might be worth it to the County to explore creating a bank. Erik explained when the County takes the acres Fish and Wildlife could come back and say it needs to be mitigated. By purchasing these credits there is no long term care of the wetlands. Lee said there are only two banks in Lewis County, The Cowlitz bank and Chehalis bank. Discussion followed about an area of wetlands south of the Toledo Airport. Item 9- Erik Martin discussed an Interlocal agreement with Mossyrock School District- County to plow the school district parking lot. Master interlocal which means there can be other work done throughout the district when it is requested. The district is charged what is spent by the County. Paulette asked who has the liability if something happens Item 10- Erik Martin discussed a hearing to vacate a section of Highway 603. Took longer than usual because there were utilities which had to be relocated. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move 2 notice 6 consent 1 hearing to the February 6, 2017 Commissioner Fund seconded the motion Commissioner Stamper mentioned if the anyone needs to meet with the BOCC before the Monday Business Meeting to schedule it with BOCC staff. Commissioner Fund added if one update is not enough office staff can schedule another update within the month Archie Smith- requested 5 minutes of BOCC time after the meeting. Will be updating affirmative action policy.Should be ready around Feb. 20th. Lee Napier- addressed wetlands near Toledo Airport, County will need to buy 0.48 acres from the wetlands bank. Commissioner Jackson asked for clarification on the moratorium. Lee said the Commissioners job is done but any further questions can go to Lee Napier. Commissioner Jackson and Stamper made a point to say thank you to all the offices who were involved in the moratorium and process. Commissioner Stamper said he received a call from a local engineer saying thank you to the county for improving the permitting process. Specifically, Betsy Ross. Lee Napier said she will be working with Archie to fill the Office Manager position Carma Oaksmith- yearend in fiscal- working with the Prosecutor’s office on emailed invoices. To safeguard anything from being modified Bill Teitzel- two new acquired properties. Posted no trespassing signs and working with the Sheriff’s Office zero tolerance policy. Bill walked through the property and creating a plan to clean the property. He mentioned a property on Airport Rd.. Lee Napier said the property is in the flood way she would like to look into a possible acquisition. Commissioner Fund read a Facebook post which calls for a protest by a local Lewis County business owner. Erik Martin- had second meeting for north Lewis county industrial access. Getting down to the project. He noted good input from WSDOT,IPAT, and EDC. Several options for another access break from the interstate North of Centralia. Next meeting February 28th. Four jobs open in Public Works predominately entry level jobs. Steve Wohld- going to be working on connecting director laptops during update to the Apple TV. Steve Walton- Let’s Talk Fair had about 75 people in attendance. Good participation and ideas on how to improve the fair. Jail inmate broke a camera (1/31) in the jail. In addition, the County is looking to hire 4 to 5 dispatchers at 911. Air quality tests have come back clean both times in 911. The tests will continue until the weather improves and the roof can be replaced. Paulette Young- working on policies specifically drivers abstract. Needs to be implemented county wide. She mentioned Doug, Dave and Steve in regards to the L&I visit. Sheila Gray- workshop on Saturday for small farm success. Events coming up- weather station workshop, host site for Western Washington Berry Conference. Commissioner Fund said she is heading to the Legislature following the meeting to meet with Senator Braun and WSAC. The group sang Happy Birthday to Erik Martin Commissioner Jackson- addressed a meeting about the Kirkland Rd. Flood mitigation project with property owners and the City of Napavine which happened the previous day. He said he felt as though it was a very productive meeting. Lee Napier reminded the Board of an Interlocal agreement with the City of Napavine. Becky Butler added tax revenue brought the general fund to 5.4 million which is the highest since 2008. Commissioner Stamper added there are lots of projects going on throughout the county and to focus on the good. Meeting ended at 10:23