2017-02-06 Meeting to discuss Project SponsorMeeting to discuss Project Sponsor of the Water Retention Facility February 6, 2017 1:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Glenn Carter, Erik Martin and Lee Napier Recorder: Lee Napier Director Napier updated the BoCC regarding the request to be the Project Sponsor for the water retention facility. The Board has options to consider. 1. County be the lead for design, permitting and construction. Concerns with this approach is that as currently proposed all responsibilities would fall to Community Development 2. Flood Control Zone District (FCZD) assumes the above listed tasks. The County Engineer would be the FCZD Engineer. The concern with this is that it's not currently operational. 3. County assumes the lead with the division of labor to now include Public Works taking on the project proponent. If the County selects options 1 or 3, the division of labor might include: County Engineer Martin and Civil Deputy Carter paired up for FCZD, Director Napier and Civil Deputy Eisenberg with the regulatory review, while Civil Deputy Fine with the BoCC. Commissioner Jackson asked who pays for the maintenance of the water retention facility. The FCZD would assess landowners. The FCZD is formed, yet not collecting assessments. The initial tax .50 per $1,000 will be imposed without a vote by the FCZD Board of Supervisors. When does the assessment begin? Unknown at this time The BoCC requested Director Napier to work with the Flood Authority staff Jim Kramer to develop a work plan that spells out responsibilities, timelines, and budget. After staff has a chance to review and comment schedule a time to discuss with Anchor, Mr. Kramer, and Mr. Vander Stoep. Another outstanding question is the role of the Office of the Chehalis Basin and the Project Sponsor/Project Meeting ended at 1:57 p.m.