2017-02-06 Update with EDCUpdate with EDC Meeting time 11:00 am Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Lee Napier, Matt Matayoshi Guests: Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rachel Hunt Matt started with .09 funding with the City of Winlock. He stated he was able to go in and make legislative request. He asked if he could submit a reimbursement to the County for development of Winlock’s UGA. Commissioner Fund expressed thanks to Matt for his continued work on this subject. Matt said his focus is getting water and sewer to the Benaroya site. He also added another issue is transportation to the site. Commissioner Stamper briefly stepped out of the meeting at 11:14 am and returned at 11:16. Commissioner Jackson asked how many years this project has been in process. Commissioner Fund also asked Matt what the current relationship is with Benaroya. Matt said he is currently trying to break down the process into steps. Matt discussed last year they created an evaluation of .09 funds. He stated it is patterned much like the RCW (82.14.370) He also added it is a draft version. EDC is still waiting a decision from a biomedical company. Commissioner Jackson asked for clarification on the process of the company locating to Lewis County. Port of Chehalis is continuing to work on their process. Matt said the permit needs to be renewed and is being held up by the Army Core. Commissioner Jackson asked what needs to happen to get the renewal? Commissioner Stamper expressed an interest in sending a letter to the federally elected offices representing Lewis County. Matt Matayoshi outlined what needs to be done to enhance programs at the college to create a workforce in Lewis County. He also added housing in the area is also an issue. High speed internet connections were also discussed. Particularly areas of Lewis County where there is not a current viable option. Commissioner Fund and Matt discussed funding which hasn’t been spent yet. Packwood sewer- federal government said they have been awarded the funds but is has not been released yet. Commissioner Jackson left the meeting at 11:49 and reentered the meeting at 11:51. The group discussed the Hirst decision and current legislation related to the decision. Meeting ended at 11: 58.