2017-02-08 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update February 8, 2017 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Lee Napier, Tim Fife, Bill Teitzel, Tawni Shepherd, Steve Wohld, Steve Walton, Becky Butler, Steve Mansfield, Archie Smith Guests: Susan DeLaire, Linda Williams, Aaron Kunkler (who joined at 9:05 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Stamper called the meeting to order. Tim Fife discussed a notice to issue an RFP for Borst Avenue. Tim Fife discussed a notice about the Vader-Enchanted Valley Water System reservoir. Tim Fife discussed a notice for an on-call consultant Roster. Tim Fife discussed a notice for a small works on-call consultant. Lee Napier discussed a notice for Ordinance 1274. Tim Fife discussed a resolution to acquire right of way for a culvert in Mineral. Tim Fife discussed a Franchise request from Cascade Networks. Tim Fife discussed a resolution to purchase three SUVs, two Interceptors, and six pickups. Tim Fife discussed a Master Interlocal agreement with Mossyrock. Commissioners Stamper and Fund discussed a resolution to appoint members to the 0.09 board. Tim Fife discussed a resolution to award the Rebid Highway 603 project. Commissioner Jackson discussed a resolution to appoint Heather Stewart to the PFD. Commissioner Fund made a motion to move five (5) Notice, eight (8) Consent items to the Monday BOCC agenda. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Roundtable Archie Smith discussed a log-in program that acknowledges the user has read policies. He said he would discuss it during ESC. He also discussed an updated affirmative action plan. Lee Napier said the Planned Growth Committee meeting is planned for later in the day. Bill Teitzel said the group would meet to discuss food establishment permits. He gave an update on the Reynolds Road property cleanup. He said the priority is on getting the cars out of there. He talked about setting up recycling bins on the property. Bill said a Harrison Avenue property also should be soon cleaned up. Paulette Young said she is working on updates to the Emergency Action Plan, MSDS, and drivers’ abstract. Steve Walton said the Finance Meeting Kickoff is planned for 9 a.m. Feb. 23. He invited the group and staff to attend. Representatives from Tyler Technology will present, he said. Becky Butler asked for officials to keep their eyes out for any Legislative bills that could affect departments’ budgets. Steve Mansfield discussed a demonstration planned for Monday. He asked if there were any policies or procedures in place. He said the courthouse is for everyone to use, and he said pickets could disrupt that. Paulette said discussions are underway about how to secure the buildings. Becky Butler said the protest is planned for Monday. She asked if something would be sent out to employees to alert them of the planned protest. Steve Mansfield discussed potential flooding. He said there is a warning for East County. He urged the group to watch the National Weather Service. He said he watches the Doty gauge, which gives an 8-ish hour heads up for the Chehalis area. He discussed departments’ roles when emergencies occur and the procedures he follows when an emergency is imminent. He said that in the case of an emergency, he would update the roles and responsibilities every 12 hours. Steve Mansfield said Lewis County Alert has roughly 2,100 sign-ins. He discussed the use of the system, which continues to contact its recipients until it receives confirmation that the recipient has received it via text, cell, landline, etc. Steve Mansfield said he plans to meet with the group to let them know what the declaration of an emergency or declaration of a disaster would mean to the various directors. Commissioner Fund asked if the electeds should be included. Steve Mansfield said all staff should hear what their duties and responsibilities would be. Steve Mansfield said the declarations of emergency or disaster would allow for different steps to be taken. Commissioner Fund complimented Fred Evander’s presentation in Onalaska the previous night. Commissioner Jackson said Strategic Planning would be discussed during the Feb. 15 ESC meeting. He said the last plan would be used as a template for the new plan, allowing for a streamlined process. He said the timeline would be targeted to dovetail with the budget. Becky Butler said the hope would be to have each budget reflect those plans. Commissioner Fund discussed using current technology to make the process run more smoothly. Commissioner Stamper said he had attended the VFW meeting the previous night. He said the group was appreciative of the county’s support and efforts. He also discussed a DNR meeting regarding the sale of property in Goldbar. Goldbar wanted to carve out 25 acres of the 200-acre-ish property. Commissioner Stamper said the lands commissioner had voted to amend the sale after the fact, which could have opened DNR up to lawsuits. He said the vote didn’t succeed, so the sale went through. Commissioner Fund gave an update about bills in the Legislature. She said Rob Snaza would testify Feb. 8 about gun sales. Linda Williams said a bill last week attempted to ban AR-15s, not by name but by description of the weapon. Linda Williams discussed other pieces of the bill, which she deemed a bad bill. She urged research and education. Becky Butler discussed a criminal background check bill. Linda Williams said constituents can go online to show their support or dislike of proposed bills. Meeting ended at 10:21 a.m.