2017-02-15 Auditor Treasurer UpdateAuditor Treasurer Update February 15, 2017 10:32 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Rodney Reynolds, Arny Davis, Suzette Smith, Larry Grove, Steve Walton, Becky Butler Guest: Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester and Rachel Hunt Treasurer The group discussed the previous night’s election. Rodney Reynolds discussed the 2016 Year End information. He said the county has roughly 99.95 percent of its revenue reported. Becky Butler said there will be a $857,000 use of reserves for 2016. Suzette Smith discussed the Open Space fund that was closed. Becky said 2016 included a handful of one-time payments. Becky said the state is cutting positions as it deals with shortfalls. She said the county is still down 33 positions. The group discussed the need for changes to Indigent Defense. Rodney said he and Arny attended a conference in Portland at which marijuana sales were discussed. Arny said Washington has the highest tax. The group said the state is receiving the money for the sales, not the cities and counties. Rodney discussed a $1.3 million decrease in the amount of money received from other funds in 2016. He said that hurts the county’s investment opportunities. Rodney discussed an increase in sales tax. Rodney began discussing 2017 data. Rodney said liquid deposits have increased dramatically since February 2015. The group discussed proposed rules regarding credit unions. Becky asked if purchase cards could be discussed. Larry Grove discussed the difficulties of addressing the Legislature. Rodney discussed the portfolio allocation of the county’s liquid deposits. He said 27 percent lies in county funds and 72 percent lies in school, fire, cemetery, water, etc. The group discussed the possibility of a formula error or an accrual discrepancy to be looked into. The group discussed warrants and check-signings and county government and home rule counties. Rodney gave an overview of the county’s investment summary. He said there’s a little less money in current expense to invest than there was a year ago. Rodney said the county sits at $7.5 million right now for current expense. He said it could drop to roughly $6 million. He said the county is going to be at an 8-year low. Glenn Carter joined the meeting at 11:28 a.m. Auditor Suzette gave an overview of current expense. She said everyone is still within their appropriations. Suzette said it’s unclear whether unfunded retirement will have an effect. Other Becky Butler discussed a recent meeting with the Lewis County Road Administration Board (CRAB). She said CRAB said it had been discovered that the county may be being handling inversions incorrectly. Suzette said she would discuss the topic with the state auditor. Meeting ended at 11:40 a.m.