2017-02-14 Health Update BOCC Update Minutes February 14, 2017 Start Time: 3:10 PM End Time: 4:05 PM Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Commissioner Jackson Amy Hanson Glenda Forga Recorder: Sandi Andrus ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS: • Coal Creek Update – Danette/Bill Discussion: The City of Chehalis sent the County a request for payment. They have a final building design. We may have already processed it. • Nurse Family Partnership Update - Danette Discussion: An interview was held while Danette gone. The applicant seemed capable but had no supervisory skills. Danette will talk to Quen at the State to get her opinion. There is another application for the supervisory position that Danette will review. The work is being done but we are unable to grow the caseload because Donna is doing the communicable diseases caseload also. We are working with Thurston County on an agreement for supervision for Donna so she can continue her caseload. NEW ISSUES: • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o #1 – Nyman Family Limited Partnership, 206 Lutkens Rd., Mineral – The owners wanted to be able to provide pot under religious beliefs. They now have a Bed and Breakfast located on this huge parcel which does not have a food establishment permit and has zoning violations. o #2 – Keonitzer, Paul, 149 Napavine Rd. E, Chehalis – FYI. This is next to a Mobile Home park owned by Arnold LaHabistrow. The people living in the park are complaining about a woman living here with several dogs but not enough to make a kennel. She has tarps strung from the trees and people are calling demanding us to make her take them down but we do not have the authorization to make her remove them. o #3 – Lorenzo, Dwayne – 114 Pattee Rd., Chehalis – FYI. Working on a Code Enforcement issue. The owner used a Chainsaw to cut his house in half and did not get permits to rebuild it. o #4 – Johnson, Joel – 4003 Harrison Ave., Centralia – Will discuss later. o #5 – Mayberry, Betty, 112 Lacy Ln., Toledo – Owner has a kennel and is having a terrible time getting it into compliance. She recently became ill and her son has gained Power of Attorney, took the nine dogs to the shelter. Code Enforcement staff has spoken with him and he has a remedy in place and it is getting better. o #6 – Lewis County Property, 1303 W. Reynolds, Centralia – We are getting three or more bids for the hulk vehicles and then we can remove them. Bill was interested in the best way to pay to clean up the property. He stated the CPG grant funds could be used for staff time and although they are only available until the end of June, so he would need approval soon. The funds would be used for staff time and administration and monitoring on the site. The County would still need to hire someone to remove the cardboard, etc., and dispose of them using abatement funds. There is approximately $170,000 in the abatement fund. We will also need an Environmental Review afterwards. Prosecuting Attorney, Glenn Carter, arrived and Bill mentioned when the abatement funds are used, they should be replenished. He asked Glenn what happens next time if we spend this money without replenishing it. Glenn replied that the County cannot sell this property because there is a lien on it of approximately $200,000 and no one will pay that amount for it. The lien plus unpaid taxes is too far above the fair market value. We have approximately $200,000 into this property. We could lease it but it would not regenerate the funds we need in this amount. It may not be that the abatement funds are the best for this. Commissioner Jackson asked if the abatement funds could be used for other items. Bill replied yes as will be brought up in #7. Danette said we could start the abatement process by removing the junk vehicles and using staff time under CPG funds. Then we can use staff time to review and get ideas of what the next step is. We could hold off using abatement funds until we have some answers and quotes. Commissioner Fund made a motion to use CPG funds to begin the abatement process at 1303 W. Reynolds and not proceed with use of abatement funds until we come back and meet with the Commissioners. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Passed 3-0. Bill spoke about whether Public Works has the ability to clean up the property and how they would pay them if they did. They may be able to do it a little cheaper. o #7 – 2017 Abatement consideration scoring (handout): A. Matchett, Miles (Robert), Uden Rd., Glenoma - Scores are between 45 -115 or 120. It is a mess. B. Johnson, Joel, Harrison Ave., Centralia – Lots of progress on this one so far. Bill recommended that if we need to abate, Bill will forward this to the PAO for either/both properties. • Animal Shelter Bequests – Danette/Amy Hanson Discussion: The shelter has received several large bequests. At one point, we had a committee of volunteers who looked at what to do with these funds. Former Commissioners determined that these funds would not be used for maintenance costs but would be set aside for a new building. This committee felt a new building is needed on either the same site or closer to town. We received a partial payment recently and the bequest did not have a special designation to it. If we want to designate it towards building, the Auditors’ office will place the funds into a separate fund specifically for building. We need a resolution to put it in this building fund. We received close to $200,000 from this estate with the last installment of $97,000. Commissioner Jackson asked what a new shelter would cost. Amy did not know but stated if built on this site, it would have many buildings, a large outdoor area, and septic that are already there. There are standards for building animal shelters that cover egress, airflow etc. There are 11 acres on that site along with a barn. We could possibly use capital funds to help with this project. Amy stated people who bequest funds can be specific as to where they want the funds to go. Decision: We will start the resolution process to place this bequest in the building fund for the Animal Shelter. • Remodel Update – Danette Discussion: Going forward. The lights are going up. • Reorganization Update – Danette Discussion: Sherri Mcdonald is meeting with Danette and some of the staff to see the best way to proceed. OTHER ISSUES of Concern to the BOCC: • Transition Team – Danette/Glenda Discussion: Glenda is the facilitator of the transition team. She would like the Commissioners to approve of her assuring the team that she will listen to all ideas but they will not necessarily get everything they want. She has expressed to them that they do not need to spend much time on concerns that they cannot change or that is not pertinent. Her expectations are to work with the team on how these programs will continue to run outside of county control. Commissioners agree that if any team members have questions, to encourage them to contact the Commissioners. The publisher of the Chronicle attended the last meeting and did not identify herself. Glenda explained that she listed all of the ideas presented at the first meeting whether they were obtainable or not. She is now working on getting speakers from the different organizations that are interested. Danette requested Glenda keep a document that has questions on it with the answers. This list would not change but be added to. These need to be specific questions with concrete options. The message given to all senior centers that the property could be donated to a nonprofit 501c3 or a municipality was discussed. This is for any center except the TCSC. Toledo’s center has to go back to the town of Toledo. If they do not want it returned and a 501c3 does, the County would help with the transition. Another option would be to lease it for a small amount if we needed to. If the County retains ownership, we will have to provide maintenance on the building. Glenda felt that not all the seniors understood this. Decision: Have a roll call at each meeting.