2017-02-21 Central Services UpdateCentral Services BOCC Update Agenda February 21, 2017 Minutes Attendees: Commissioners Stamper, Fund, and Jackson, Steve Walton, Cheryl Millman Start Time: 10:30 AM Administrative - Personnel – 4 new dispatchers checked in today filling 3 vacancies and 1 position that the BOCC approved to re-fund at our last meeting. - Finance System – The Kickoff is on Thursday, 2/23/17 at 9:00 a.m. in the Hearing Room. First hour and a half will be the “30,000 Foot View” presented by Tyler Technologies. The second hour and a half will be for users. Communications - E911 – Paulette Young had a conversation with the L&I investigator about the interviews she conducted with staff. There are still complaints regarding the lighting (still too light) and chairs. Chairs were new less than a year ago. There were also several complaints about people getting sick a lot. There are no indications of any serious concerns at this point. - Interlocal Agreement – Chiefs Kytta and Nielsen have asked for feedback from the BOCC regarding how to proceed with the agreement. There are 2 ways: o Use the current form, where they are users and purchasers of 911 services. o Form a “Board of Users” comprised of chiefs, commissioners, etc. This board would oversee finance, personnel and governance of 911. Steve stated that he thinks the Board option is an idea to consider down the road and there are numerous counties across the state that follow that model. He feels we are not ready for this kind of change internally or externally at this point in time. More time is needed to allow personnel and relations to stabilize both internally and externally and to secure a steady funding stream (1/10th of 1%). Commissioner Stamper asked if there was still a Board with the current model. Steve stated yes, in the form of advisory committees. We still control financing. Discussion occurred regarding changing to a new model, the need for a plan, financing options, and the amount of work to make this change. Steve again emphasized that the timing for changing to a new organizational model is not now. He discussed that Chiefs Kytta and Nielsen are involved in drafting the new agreement and they brought up the possible change. They are asking for direction from the BOCC. Commissioner Jackson stated that they (Kytta & Nielsen) gave no indication of having anything in place when he met with them. They did mention a 30% rate increase. Steve reiterated the need for a funding stream to be in place before the change is made. Commissioner Jackson stated that the second option is “not off the table”. Commissioner Fund suggested that this could be included in the Strategic Plan, to stabilize and then move to change. Radio console equipment is coming March 1st. Dave and Scott will work on this. This is a $400K project. Overall, in the last year, over $700,000 has been put into 911, some with grant revenue. Commissioner Fund moved to develop the Interlocal Agreement to reflect current status with a look to the future to look at Board Governance. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion passed. Radio – AMR has had chronic radio problems. Scott has consistently blamed their equipment. They did some testing and AMR is now getting new equipment. Facilities - The elevator is out again. Kone was in to repair, but it didn’t work. They should be back again by the end of this week. - Timber Harvesting at Parks: The only park that has enough timber to harvest is Rose Park. Larry Unzelman will get a timber cruiser to look at it. - Schaeffer Park – currently getting bids for repairs that were approved at the last meeting. - Commissioner Stamper asked if the Lions Club in Mineral could take care of the county park there. Steve hasn’t seen any roadblocks to that. Commissioner Stamper would like to see the park cleaned up by the summer. - Discussion about the meat processing plant that now belongs to the county. Discussed the possibility of demolishing the building and put in park benches and tables. Code for the property will not allow new construction. - Commissioner Fund would like a tour of the “Star Complex”. - A brief discussion of possible relocation sights for the 911 center, nothing specific though. Fair - Looking at a new ticketing system from Interactive Ticketing. Admit One was used in the past. Ticket tracking has been a problem. - Commissioner Fund reported that Kendra Meek, Ag Advisor at Centralia High School is considering applying for the Advisory Board. There are 2 openings on the board now, 3 shortly, when John Lucas leaves. Commissioner Stamper suggested putting an ad in the East County Journal to attract someone from East County. Meeting recessed at 11:30.