2017-02-21 Prosecutor UpdateProsecutor Update February 21, 2017 2:10 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Jonathan Meyer, Janelle Kambich, and Glenn Carter Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer said the Napavine City Council apparently plans to appoint a new member tonight (Feb. 21, 2017). If that is done, Jonathan said, it would not be a valid appointment because the meeting dates are in question, and a Special Meeting Notice was not issued correctly. Jonathan said he believes they’ll appoint Wheeler to Position 2 tonight. Jonathan said the BOCC can appoint three applicants, for Positions 3, 4, and 5. Jonathan said if Position 2 is appointed, he will draft a letter to the city attorney outlining the county’s concerns. Jonathan discussed the fact that the board could go into executive session to discuss the applicants. Jonathan suggested having Commissioner Stamper saying, “Do I have a motion regarding Applicant 1.” The group discussed the logistics of making the selection. Jonathan and Glenn offered suggestions on how to discuss their choices without the need to enter into executive session. Jonathan said the person nominating should state position as well as the applicant. Jonathan suggested creating a form letter with blanks on which the commissioners could indicate their appointment choices. Jonathan said that if the BOCC were to appoint the three, the City Council would then have to get the majority’s approval – including the newly appointed. Jonathan recommended having the applicants stay in a waiting room during the interview process. Jonathan reiterated that he had told the Napavine City Attorney that moving the meeting time and date was done contrary to the law. Jonathan asked if the commissioners would want to bring extra applications in case there are too few applicants. Jonathan discussed the RCWs pertaining to the potential appointments. Glenn Carter discussed a Pac Mountain interlocal agreement from 2015. He said the BOCC has purposefully declined to sign the agreement. Glenn discussed concerns with COG regarding the interlocal. Glenn discussed Bill Fashing’s conversation with Commissioner Stamper. Commissioner Stamper and Glenn discussed information regarding the dam and FERC. Commissioner Stamper said the city of Mossyrock plans to host a meeting at 6 p.m. March 3 regarding the dam and the planned lake-lowering. Commissioner Fund discussed a quake study that outlined three options for the dam. Commissioner Stamper discussed a dam safety study that he wants to locate. Glenn said it could be exempt from a public records request. The group discussed submitting a Public Records Request to the City of Tacoma for the following: • Quake study for the Cowlitz/Riffe Lake project • Plan that proposes to change the operation and maintenance of the park • Plan that proposes the installation of new facilities, such as – but not limited to – a boat launch Janelle Kambich left around 3 p.m. Commissioner Stamper discussed erosion at railroad tracks off Highway 7 at the Hampton mill. He said the Tilton River has eroded away the ground from below at least one line of tracks. Commissioner Stamper discussed creating an information sheet regarding the erosion. The group discussed the erosion. Jonathan and Glenn left at 3:19 p.m. The group discussed the Napavine City Council application process. Meeting ended at 3:28 p.m.