2017-02-28 IT February Minutes 2/28/17 IT Director’s Monthly Update ATTENDEES: Commissioners Fund EF, Jackson BJ, and Stamper GS. Steve Wohld SW. SW discussed that the Finance System Kickoff went well and reminded the Board of the LewisCountyLEAP.com website. The conversation moved to DLC Discussion when EF asked about how the Facebook campaigns were going. SW discussed how IT was putting an emphasis on website traffic, and how it is working. SW presented data on various promotions.  5 Hikes  Historical Sites  Hidden Park  GW  Skiing / Snowboarding SW discussed the Kiosk project and explained all 8 KIOSKs are in and being setup. Already installed on at Centralia Factory Outlets. SW discussed the Farm Bureau project and explained that the “Fresh from the Farm” maps were being reviewed and prepped for order. Sounds like the FB wants to order a large quantity. SW also reviewed a new Amenities brochure for use by businesses, developers, real estate companies, etc.