2017-02-28 Update with CDY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\02 - February (Feb. 6-March 5)\Week of Feb. 27\CD Feb 28\2017-02-28 Update with CD.docx Agenda for BOCC Update Department: Community Development Date: 02/28/2017 Time: 3:18pm Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Lee Napier, Larry Mason, and Pat Anderson Note Taker: Pat Anderson Issues from previous meeting(s): Covered below Updates and Hot Topics: i) Airport Ed Carlson Memorial Field-South County Lee informed the Board that land lease agreements are due for three people in 2017. Increases can be made every five years. Currently the charge is .19 per square foot. Staff proposed increase the land lease commercial rate from .19 to .23 cents per square foot. In the case of Mr. Wolfelt, the yearly charge would be $648.43 including excise tax, plus a $100 business license fee, making a grand total of $748.83. Commissioner Stamper asked if a request for the flying club to pay has been brought up. Larry said that several years it did come before the Board and they were not interested in pursuing it. He stated that profit sharing is quite common at other airports, and that the previous owner stated he sometimes cleared $10,000 per month; tandem jumps cost between $200 and $300. The question of offering more services for an increase in rates was raised. Commissioner Stamper asked if more money is generated could water be added as part of an improvement. Lee stated probably no. We have plan five years out for capital improvements with FAA. We could explore running water on our own. The airports don’t generate a lot of revenue. The County must rely on grant money (FAA and DOT). Typically the grants dollars relate to safety that are essential to public safety in lieu of amenities that are nice to have, such as water. Commissioner Stamper asked if there could be a tiered system for rentals and could the scale be changed because of the revenue generated by Skydive Toledo. Lee stated we have not fully explored user costs. Relating to land lease, how they use the space relates to a tiered system. Commissioner Stamper would like to explore a business model. Before moving forward he would like to hear from the flying club. Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\02 - February (Feb. 6-March 5)\Week of Feb. 27\CD Feb 28\2017-02-28 Update with CD.docx Larry reported that the flying club is hurting; it is down to one airplane and membership is down. General aviation is hurting but it appears to be coming back. Fuel is too expensive. Lee asked if the Board was okay with the increases as proposed, and going through the same process when the other leases are due. Commissioner Stamper would like to see some sort of strategic plan to include water and possibly some other things, with a timeline, and have a vision within the next 2-3 years. Larry stated that he called hanger owners and asked them how much they would be willing to pay for metered water but they didn’t know because they didn’t know how many owners would want to be included. Lee stated the next round of improvements to Toledo Airport would start in 2017. The taxiway improvements were included. Larry stated the FAA is looking to starting construction on the parallel taxiway on August 1. Runway marking will be included, and a PAP for runway 6 which will include visual lights if a pilot is flying too high, too low, or is on the right path. There are 23 trees that encroach on the taxiway that are hazardous and need to come out. He would like to see better maintenance on the ditches. Lee stated we will be mitigating on the wetland impacted by parallel taxiway, in the form of a purchase of wetland mitigation credits from an approved bank. Getting back to leases, Lee stated the hanger owners are being noticed about the rate increase and that it will be based on the Seattle consumer price index. If they have an issue they can go to arbitration. Larry stated the procedure used in the past is for a letter to go out stating that the county is intending to raise rates and that their contract is for five years. Lee asked for consent to send out letters for a 30-day notice. There could also be an outreach piece that should go to everyone so they know what we are up against for next year. Packwood Airport Larry stated the runway still has snow and there is mud around the runway. The record rainfall has created a mud hole and it needs to be cleaned up. A culvert under Teal Lake Rd for additional drainage is still necessary. That will be done this spring. He is hoping that the dedication and grand opening can be on May 6 but that is dependent on good weather. There are other events taking place in Packwood throughout the spring and summer when the dedication could occur but there was a general feeling at this meeting that the airport dedication might be best if scheduled for later in the year when the runway is drier. Commissioner Stamper would like a conversation with the other Packwood event planners to see how the airport Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\02 - February (Feb. 6-March 5)\Week of Feb. 27\CD Feb 28\2017-02-28 Update with CD.docx dedication might fit in with other event. Larry would like to put up a kiosk to show visitors to the airport where they might get food, etc. There is a walk- through gate off of W Main St, or it could go inside Destination Packwood. Larry would also like picnic tables to be placed to enjoy plane watching, etc. A recap of the Toledo airport issues included increase the land lease, letting the hanger owners know of the changes; a letter about upcoming improvements; exploring a business model. At Packwood: a punch list; dedication in May, weather permitting, and follow up with the community for the date; kiosk at airport. 2) Other points of discussion from the Board of County Commissioners Lee spoke to the demolition of the old rendering business along Airport Rd. It will be demolished and crushed, leaving some materials. The demo bid came in at $98,000. Commissioner Fund would like to see some picnic tables put there as well. Adjournment was at 4:30. Recorder: Pat Anderson