2017-03-01 Meeting with PAMeeting with PA
March 1, 2017
9:03 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund (by phone), Commissioner Jackson, Jonathan
Meyer, Glenn Carter
Guest: Aaron Kunkler
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Jonathan Meyer said Keith Swenson returned his call. Swenson forwarded the email sent by Jen Slemp.
Jonathan said he does not believe the BOCC loses the right to appoint. He said he believes either one
retains the right to appoint.
Jonathan said Keith Swenson asked for the six applicants. He said it appears the governor wants to sign
off on the three.
Commissioner Fund asked for the date and time of the email. It had been sent to the governor’s office at
3:23 p.m. Feb. 28, 2017.
Jonathan said his impression was that the governor’s office was not interested in going through an
interview process.
Commissioner Stamper said more clarification is needed.
Commissioner Jackson suggested conducting interviews and then present ranked names to the
governor’s office.
Jonathan said Keith said he wanted the county to submit the names ranked.
Jonathan said he would call and ask whether the state wants the list of six or whether the state wants
the list narrowed to three.
Meeting ended at 9:09 a.m.