2017-03-08 Meeting with Dan Rich and Ralph Hubbard1 Meeting with Dan Rich and Ralph Hubbert March 8, 2017 11:15 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper (by phone), Commissioner Fund, Dan Rich, Ralph Hubbert, Karen Witherspoon (by phone), Lee Napier (by phone), Danette York (by phone) Recorder: Rieva Lester Dan Rich and Ralph Hubbert said they are asking for the release of a building permit. They said they have 30 people waiting to work on their project, which has been stalled by the permitting process. Lee Napier and Karen Witherspoon joined by phone at 11:18 a.m. Ralph asked to get a building permit approved. Danette York said Doyle has indicated he needs something from Sue. She discussed using a building permit but no occupancy permit until water permit is approved. Karen said needed items include the approval to construct the water system. She said there is an updated stormwater plan that she has not yet seen. Ralph said he has received preliminary approval. She said her understanding is that there is concern about water system that would need to be resolved. Ralph said Bob addressed the concerns to the state. Karen said designs have not yet been received. Ralph said they would be submitted today. Karen said Mike needs the approval letter from the state regarding approval to construct the water system. Gary asked how long it will take to get that approval. Danette said the permit from the state Department of Health would be needed. Dan said he is looking for a contingency. He indicated no occupation would be granted under the contingency. Ralph said they are willing to take the chance that the water would not be approved. Danette said Ron would need to be the one to respond at the state level. She said the bottom line is that it would take something from the commissioners saying Community Development could allow a contingency plan to authorize the project to move forward, with the understanding that if it doesn’t move forward, the project would not be approved for occupancy. Danette said the state must respond within a specified timeline. Commissioner Stamper said he would feel comfortable moving it forward without any delays. 2 Lee said the development is connected to a water system to a neighboring project, a veterinarian office. Commissioner Fund discussed making a motion. Karen gave a recap of what’s needed: • letter from state conditionary approval to construct – in order to issue building permit • with water approval, need to talk with the state • also need septic permitted • Mike needs time to review the designs • Mike cannot ok design until approval from state • Work with Scott and Randy to make sure stormwater won’t affect water system • After all those are met, can issue building permit with conditions • The construction piece can happen quickly after the approval letter from the state arrives The group discussed whether there would be a way to get the building permit without the letter from the state. Lee said she is unaware of any time someone has been allowed to construct without that letter. Dan said he knows he’ll need electricity, drainage, water, etc. He said he’s just looking for the OK to start the process. He discussed contingencies a school was given regarding a sewer emergency. Lee said Ralph and Dan are asking for a deviation from regular rules. Dan discussed Centralia’s contingencies for curbs, sidewalks, and gutters. Lee said that the building division is tasked with making sure water is available on site and that it must be satisfied before a permit can be issued. She said she is uncomfortable allowing anything outside of what the law allows. She said she understands their request for a contingency, but that there isn’t a mechanism in place to allow for that. The group discussed the fact that perhaps the state could say that the Board cannot waive the requirements for approved water. Ralph said he has an existing building with existing water that they merely want to add on to. He said the risk only lies with him. Danette said she would contact DOH. Commissioner Fund said she would contact the Prosecutor’s Office. Danette, Lee, and Karen left the meeting at 11:48 a.m. Ralph discussed the frustration regarding rules and regulations. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Fund said they hoped to have an answer by day’s end. Meeting ended 11:54 a.m.