2017-03-09 Senior Transition UpdateSenior Transition Update March 9, 2017 4:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson (by phone), Danette York Recorder: Rieva Lester Danette York said the Senior Transition Team is exploring handing the reins to the Lewis County Seniors, which is a 501(c)3. The nonprofit could run the programs similar to the way the county has done. She said she envisions it running similarly to the way the Human Response Network, with a board of directors, etc. Danette said the group is concerned about property taxes. She said the group wants the county to keep ownership of the buildings so the group could avoid property taxes. The group discussed the fact that the centers could secure grants and accept donations if they were outside the control of county government. Question for Assessor Dianne Dorey: If the Twin City senior building if leased out to a nonprofit, does that end property tax exemption? The group discussed the idea of a junior taxing district. Commissioner Stamper said he supports the idea of having the Lewis County Seniors head the transition. Commissioner Stamper said a request has been made to bring in a grant-writing expert. Commissioner Fund said she knows a Centralia woman who may we willing to give pointers for free. Commissioner Jackson discussed making a lease as a conditional option. Danette then gave an overview about the previous day’s discussions regarding the Jester Museum project on Hamilton (involving Ralph Hubbert and Dan Rich). Danette said on March 9, the plans were reviewed again. She said the state said significant issues still need to be addressed. Commissioner Fund told Commissioner Jackson about her meeting with Glenn Carter. She discussed the Hearing Examiner’s decision and the fact that the commissioners could not deviate from the Hearing Examiner’s decision. Commissioner Jackson said he had heard that Slemp and Sullivan resigned from the Napavine City Council. Commissioner Jackson left the meeting at 5:38 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 5:41 p.m.