2017-03-14 Ascot Mining MeetingAscot Mining Meeting 3:00 pm March 14, 2017 Present: Commissioners Stamper, Fund and Jackson, Cy Meyer, Mike McDonald, Matt Matayoshi, Buddy Rose, and CJ Neer. Dena Horton and Shari Hildreth via conference call. Recorder: Candace Hallom Commissioner Stamper started the meeting explaining that this is an annual update with Ascot to find out the progress. Mike stated the last time we met we had completed our second modified environmental assessment. They are still waiting for the result. They expected the results in November but have not received anything. The Gifford Pinchot task force went out and solicited the City of Kelso to speak against the project. The City of Kelso signed a Resolution not in favor of the project. Mike feels that the environmental assessment pending will show no significant impact. Dena Horton and Shari Hildreth joined the meeting by phone. Mike explained the history of the drilling as well as what they are working on next. Dena Horton asked about the City of Kelso’s Resolution. Mike stated that the City of Kelso felt that this may affect their water and that is why the city is not in favor. Mike spoke will multiple Counties, Legislators, and community members, and they have been very supportive of the project. Dena Horton asked about the impact to the counties and the number of jobs. Mike stated they are looking at having 30 employees for the next set drilling. It is seasonal drilling work that pays around $28 per hour. This does not include the work for the roads, which is contracted out with local workers. Dena Horton asked about tax revenue to the county. If something is found, how will that affect the counties? Mike stated there are royalties that would go to Skamania County, most of the employees come from Lewis County. Ascot is mining for copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum. If the project moves forward they are looking at a range from 800 to 1,500 jobs for the full project. These employees would be direct and indirect employees of Ascot. Commissioner Stamper noted how this project will help east Lewis County. It would not just help employment but it also would bring business to the communities, including hotels, hardware stores, grocery stores, and restaurants. Shari Hildreth asked the Commissioners if there are any numbers showing how the increase of employment would compare to the loss of the forestry jobs. Commissioners did not have an estimate or comparison. Dena Horton and Shari Hildreth left the meeting. The BOCC asked what they can do for Ascot. Mike stated they need the environment assessment to be complete so Ascot can move forward with the project. He stated that Ascot needs the Commissioners to continue their support and continue to talk with Legislators about the project. Commissioner Fund left the meeting at 3:50 p.m. Mike continued discussing how this project will work. Commissioner Stamper will be going to Washington D.C. at the end of the month and would like to know if there is anyone specific he should speak with about this project. Mike provided a few names to Commissioner Stamper of who he could talk to. Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.