2017-03-20 Meeting with Dan KayMeeting with Dan Kay, LC PUD March 20, 2017 3 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Dan Kay Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Fund asked Dan Kay how the dam is doing. Dan said it’s at “max generation” and has spilled a bit of water. Dan said the PUD is looking at a rate hike. He said he’d like to give them a copy of the PPC Chronicle. Dan said the private power companies did not want to go out to the rural, far-away areas. He said it’s likely we’d be without the basics in those areas if not for the Public Utility District. The group discussed the increase in rates and how the money will be used to pay for infrastructure. Dan said that while there may be a billing issue, there’s more of a communication issue. He said power bills are 100 percent proportional to how cold it is outside. Dan said 10 percent of the PUD budget goes to wages and salaries. Dan discussed decreased revenues due to the following: Bonneville Power Administration, Initiative 937, warming temperatures, and lower-than-expected surplus power sales. Dan said the PUD can market part of the power from BPA. Dan discussed a recent job shadow the PUD hosted. Dan said the PUD has roughly 115 employees. He said journeymen linemen are in extremely high demand. Commissioner Stamper discussed the need for infrastructure – especially internet service – and how projects benefit the county as a whole. Commissioner Jackson said he appreciates that members of the PUD live in the region and contribute to their communities. Dan said the new technology, especially things like 5g technology, are not for the rural areas. The group discussed storms that create power outages and steps taken to prevent them. Dan said that raising the base charge gives an entity a better idea of where revenues will fall. He said his staff came up with an increase of $0.75. Dan talked about conservation. “I am the one entity that asks you to conserve the very product that I sell,” he quipped. Dan said the per-kilowatt-hour costs for wind are much more expensive than those for hydroelectric power. Dan pointed out that power bills are consumption-based. Commissioner Fund discussed a possible candidate for Pac Mountain. The group discussed Public Disclosure Requests. Meeting ended at 4:06 p.m. The commissioners remained. Commissioner Stamper discussed his desire to make the Jester museum a priority. At 4:17 p.m., Commissioner Fund began calling Lee Napier. Commissioner Jackson left at 4:23 p.m. and returned at 4:27 p.m. Lee Napier joined the meeting by phone at 4:28 p.m. Commissioner Stamper said he would like to move the Jester project to the front of the line. Commissioner Fund asked if water was finalized. Lee said it is but that stormwater had to be resubmitted and does not appear to be adequate. Therefore, his stormwater is still not acceptable. Lee said the Hearing Examiner ruling indicates stormwater must be taken care of before building permits can be issued. Lee said Environmental Health has had to put septic review work on the East end on hold so her staff could work on the Jester project. Meeting adjourned at 4:46 p.m.