2017-03-21 Central Services UpdateMeeting with Central Services March 21, 2017 10:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Tamara Hayes and Steve Walton Recorder: Candace Hallom Tamara discussed a new ticketing system that is an interactive ticketing. The system should help us better track attendees. Tamara discussed Opening Ceremonies being at 10:00 am. The Commissioners agreed that 10:00 am as its own separate ceremony would work great. Tamara talked about the Garlic Fest. A grant was received from the Centralia LTAC for marketing of the garlic fest. Tamara talked about Showorks for exhibitor’s information. Showorks helps organize the exhibits and that way the exhibitors and register themselves. The judging will be done on iPad. The premiums for participants is also low and they are working on how to get sponsors or the premiums. Tamara discussed a public meeting on April 11th. Commissioner Jackson discussed being the PA guy for the Fair. Tamara discussed a meeting with DAHP historic preservationists about possible grant opportunities. Tamara wants a party in the 4H Barn. The party would be a fundraiser for the fair. Working on people to help put it together. Tamara left the meeting at 11:23 am Steve Walton provided an update on the finance system. Training going on this week and next. The training discussion involves the way we do things now vs the way well do them in the future. Steve Walton stated he still has a few things regarding communications. There is a HLS grant audit being done today. Facilities Timber at Rose Park could be update the 1 quarter of a million. If we wanted to do a park enhancement project that will thin out the trees widening the paths. It is anticipated that we will have a 100k profit. Two facility employees are going to training next week on how to install and monitor. This will save the county a significant amount of money. Steve discussed the repeater site access. PUD no longer needs the easement. We purchased the property from Mr. Blinks. We are negotiating access to the site. It will cost around $55,000. We are working on this now. The key things is that we will have permanent access. If we damage any of the road during construction, we will repair it. We may need to add gravel in the back road. HRN is requesting the use of the old credit union bldg.. on an on going basis for family support advocacy meetings. We are going to be using the old credit union bldg.. for training for the finance system. Steve Walton discussed the use of the Twin Cities bldg. after the transition of the Senior Transition meeting. The Seniors are under the impression that the seniors will have access to the building just as they do now. There are thoughts of other uses for that building in addition to the Senior Center. Meeting recessed at 11:45 a.m. until 1:00 pm.