2017-03-21 PDR discussionPDR discussion March 21, 2017 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Janelle Kambich, Jonathan Meyer, Archie Smith, Paulette Young Guest: Sharyn Decker Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler said Jonathan Meyer and Rob Snaza submitted proposals to move their PDR positions to Risk. Becky said she told them this is a work in progress. Jonathan Meyer said he views it as a risk-reduction position. He said the attorney position would serve the entire county. He said the PDR person needs some legal support. He said it’s a good solution that heads off future problems and solves problems that already exist. Jonathan Meyer said that under his office, conversations would fall under attorney-client privilege. He said that if Paulette were to go out and talk to someone, it wouldn’t. Paulette said a lot of the 505 funds are for LEOFF. David Fine joined the meeting at 2:11 p.m. Paulette said adding it to 505 likely would cost Jonathan and Rob Snaza more through rates. Glenn Carter joined the meeting at 2:12 p.m. Paulette said the county COULD have a countywide PDR position, but she cautioned that electeds may not use it. Paulette said the discussion was to have it under 505 for two years then see whether it would go out for rates. Commissioner Stamper asked if it would work to have one person as the point person for the judges and the prosecuting attorney’s office and law and justice. Jonathan talked about time constraints in his office regarding PDRs. The group discussed the benefits of having it worded that if electeds decline to use the PDR point person through rates, the county would not be able to offer coverage. Jonathan talked about flat rates versus per-use rates. Becky Butler discussed the policies and procedures being tied to using the PDR point person. Becky asked for clarification about what Jonathan is seeking. Jonathan said an attorney position is an emergent need for the county. Eric Eisenberg joined the meeting at 2:26 p.m. Jonathan said the true request is for an attorney who would start around the same time as the PDR person. He said he envisioned it as a DPA II. Eric said it should be at least a DPA III or a DPA II with lots of PDR experience. Paulette asked if Jonathan envisions the attorney position as being a full-time position after the ball starts rolling. Glenn said the PA’s office spends a significant amount of time on PRA. Eric said that even though he’s been doing it a long time, he has to see how the various rules apply to each individual case. Eric said he could see PDRs requiring the full-time help of an attorney. He said any extra time could be devoted to process improvement, such as records retention, etc. Commissioner Jackson left at 2:37 p.m. Paulette said the new PDR position is designed to work on records retention, policies, etc. Commissioner Jackson returned at 2:41 p.m. The group talked about the constraints excessive PDRs place on the PA’s office. Eric talked about the fact that he hasn’t been able to shadow David Fine and Glenn Carter the way the PA’s office planned. Jonathan said the bottom line is that he needs an attorney. He pegged the cost at roughly $100,000. Becky said she would look at the costs for a DPA II or III. Meeting ended at 2:49 p.m.