2017-04-24 Auditor Treasurer UpdateAuditor & Treasurer Update April 24, 2017 Meeting start- 11: 35 a.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Arny Davis, Larry Grove, Suzette Smith, Becky Butler, Steve Walton Recorder: Rachel Hunt Arny discussed current fund balances. The group reviewed reports assembled by the Treasurer’s Office. The group reviewed the County investment summary. Suzette Smith addressed the group in regards to the balances of the general funds. Commissioner Stamper asked about reestablishing the Cowlitz River Basin. Suzette addressed the group citing the County expenditure summary. Discussion transitioned to the funding side of building a dam in Lewis County. Larry Grove gave an update on the current ballot dropbox legislation. Arny Davis and Becky Butler left the meeting at 12:19 p.m. Suzette addressed a salary adjustment. Meeting recessed at 12:25 p.m.