2017-05-05 Managers MINUTES MAYORS’ / MANAGERS’ MEETING MINUTES for MAY 5, 2017 Start time- 9:06 a.m. Attendees: Dennis Dawes, Dan Mortenson, Lonnie Willey, Jill Anderson, Mayor of Toledo, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Lonnie (Winlock), Bonnie Canaday, Steve Dobosh, Mayor of Vader Guests: CJ Neer, David Fine, Sheila Gray, Harry Bhagwandin, Dennis Haberkorn, Amanda Price, Matt Matayoshi, Shari Hildreth, Dena Horton, Kierra Phifer, Bart Treece, Chuck Meade, Chris Workman, Jason Phelps Recorder: Rachel Hunt David Fine- New agenda procedures and OPMA clarifications. Commissioner Fund and Jackson gave input on the agenda/calendar changes. Bonnie Canaday addressed the order of the items on the agenda. Introductions Discussion LED lighting presentation -- Chris Workman, Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Commissioner Jackson stepped out of the meeting at 9:48 a.m. and reentered at 9:49 p.m. Legislative update- Commissioner Fund gave an update on current legislation. Specifically, Winlock project funding and the Public Disclosure Requests. Mayor Dawes mentioned legislation about LEOFF 2. Roundtable Winlock- gave an update on the current bridge projects. Vader- Morton- met with Jamie Herrera-Beutler, Chehalis – gave an update on school construction, Jill Anderson- noted the work of the Public Works department, update on Chamber Way project EDC- CEDs list clarification, Matt outlined projects which can be submitted to this list Commissioner Fund stepped out of the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Toledo- gave an update on the water tower project. Pe Ell- gave an update on various projects and funding Amanda Price, Discover Lewis County- All the kiosks are operational, completed fresh from the farm map will beginning to circulate next week Sheila Gray- will be at the Packwood Mountain Festival, gave an update on projects within the office. Commissioner Fund reentered the meeting at 10:07 a.m. Shari Hildreth- Federal government to be funded through 2017, gave an update on fixes in funding Bart Treece, DOT- gave a Chamber Way overpass update, DOT will be working in several locations on HWY 12 east of Packwood, as well as HWY 7. Chuck Meade, DOT- HWY 7 between Morton and Elbe, the contract is currently being advertised, work expected to begin in late July. HWY 12, HWY 6, project updates. Has an open contract for exit 59 Cowlitz River Bridge repairs, SR 508 bridge is on schedule to be repaired. Reconfiguration of the Harrison Ave. exit southbound. Steve Dobosh thanked DOT for a quick response on a project in Toledo. Harry Bhagwandin- Ride the Wilapa update Dena Horton- gave a legislation and funding update from Senator Cantwell. Kierra Phifer- gave an update from Senator Murray, including increased funding for Army Core projects. She continued by reiterating Senator Murray wants input on infrastructure projects. CJ Neer- gave an update on Packwood projects and upcoming events. EDC- gave an update on prospective companies wanting to locate to Lewis County. Commissioner Jackson- mentioned he is excited about the possibility of infrastructure funding. Discussed developments in a county-wide transit system. Meeting adjourned at 10:43 a.m.