2017-05-08 BOCC Update with Health BOCC Update Minutes May 8, 2017 Start Time: 2:02 pm End Time: 3:42 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Commissioner Jackson Sheriff Snaza Recorder: Sandi Andrus Chris Sweet Undersheriff Wes Rethwell Bruce Kimsey NEW ISSUE INVOLVING SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT: This topic was moved to the top of the agenda because we had several people here to address the BOCC. Social Services would like to apply for a grant from West Region EMS (WREMS) which would provide funding to purchase Naloxone kits for the Sheriff’s Office to put in their patrol vehicles. These kits contain Naloxone in a nasal spray application used to reverse an opioid overdose. It costs approximately $75.00 per kit for two doses and they would like to purchase 40 kits. Dr. Wood provided data at the last BOH meeting on how reversals were performed on Lewis County residents using Naloxone through the needle exchange in Thurston County. The Sheriff’s deputies would be trained and would administer onsite. Naloxone can be used for any opioid. It has a 2-year shelf life which gets reduced by extreme heat but not destroyed. Statistics show there are 10.9 per 100,000 deaths in Lewis County due to opioid overdose which is higher than the State average. Sheriff Snaza stated that Chief Sweet made a proposal to carry Naloxone to the State Patrol and they have put them in every single patrol vehicle. Opioids are porous and once individuals come in contact with it, including law enforcement officials, they may need the Naloxone to reverse the effects. Katie Strozyk made the grant proposal which the Sheriff’s office supports. If it is a tool they can use to save someone’s life, then it is a good tool to have. Danette said whoever uses it is covered under the Good Samaritan law so there is no risk to us. Danette spoke to Paulette Young about the risks. If someone is that close to death and we can reverse it, we have a much higher chance of convincing them to change and become a productive citizen. Undersheriff Rethwell said their main concern is sustainability. Naloxone is not cheap and they would hate to see this go away once the grant is gone. There is no harm or adverse effects if accidentally administered to someone who is not overdosing. Katie added that it is a safe product. Chris Sweet said two legislative bills have passed that protect anyone who gives Narcan or Naloxone. Also, if nothing else is going on, the person receiving it will not be arrested because of the drug use at that time. Training is simple for the officers. It is a prescription in our state and would be prescribed by Dr. Wood. The purchase of Naloxone would be at the beginning of the grant and in month 11 as the grant is for only one year. This will give us a good understanding of what our county will need. EMS currently carries it but not law enforcement. Sheriff Snaza added Snohomish County and 29 law enforcement agencies in Washington currently carry it. Katie has approached Centralia and Chehalis City Law Enforcement to see if they want it as well but they have not responded. Danette requested the BOCC’s approval to apply for the grant from WREMS. Commissioner Fund made a motion to submit for the WREMS grant to provide Naloxone in Deputies’ vehicles. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Passed 3-0. Sheriff Snaza, Chris Sweet, Wes Rethwell, Bruce Kimsey and Katie Strozyk left the meeting. BUDGET Danette expressed her concern and frustration of the Commissioners asking Directors to be able to discuss their budgets. We pay high interfund rates for the Fiscal department and have no one on staff dedicated to neither budget nor accounts payable/receivable. There is no way we can be able to track and know where we are compared to budget throughout the year. There is a lag between what we have on a certain date and what is provided to us that shows our balance. Also, Danette reviews the expense reports and BSR’s in an attempt to track the budget since we have no one on staff to do so. When she finds mistakes on them-generally mistakes happen when data is entered by hand-she spends her time reviewing and reporting the mistakes and working with Fiscal to get those corrected. Fiscal charges us for the time spent on our programs. In the past, Carma assured Danette they will start charging the time spent correcting errors to something else so we are not double charged if mistakes are made. However, our grants are reimbursable and there have been times when some of the funds are left on the table because we do not have a clear tracking mechanism for real time. We are paying $150,000 in interfunds for Fiscal, per year for funds 190 and 104 but cannot determine how much of our funding has been spent and what our balance is. Someone should be tracking the amounts. Karen does a great job tracking the grants but until payroll is done, she is unable to know the exact amounts in real time due to a lag in posting payroll. Bill shared another problem he sees when we don’t have enough staff hours to cover the items required in the grants so they don’t end up spending all the funding. That affects what they will receive the following year. This jeopardizes them and makes them vulnerable. Commissioner Jackson appreciated Danette calling their attention to issues she sees with fiscal and budget so they can address them. ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS:  Coal Creek Update – Danette, Bill Discussion: The City of Chehalis received several bids; the lowest bid was approximately $60,000 over the engineer’s estimates. Patrick, with the City of Chehalis, contacted the Department of Ecology to ask for more funds. Bill has not yet heard back from him. The City has not yet waved the septic connection fees so we may be looking at the property owners having to pay some money. There are eight to nine sites with one in foreclosure status.  Update on Remodel – Danette Discussion: Nothing new. Facilities is now working on the third floor.  Update on Reorganization – Danette Discussion: The Department will be advertising for the Deputy Director position soon. We will do a local advertisement and then expand if we need to go to a larger area.  Nurse Family Partnership Update - Danette Discussion: Nothing new at this time. Laura is working out well doing online training and preparing to go to Denver for in-person training. NEW ISSUES:  Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o #1 – Lewis County Property – 1303 W. Reynolds, Centralia – Rodent claim. We haven’t seen any rodents. Facilities is putting up a temporary fence to shield the property. Contractors started cleaning up metal this week. o #2 – Rieger, Jerry – 128 Joppish Rd., Centralia – Clandestine drug lab. EH staff has been in contact with the property owner and the mortgage holder. They have someone to clean it up. We have authorization to use some of the SHA funds. o #3 – Onalaska Wood Energy, 1674 Hwy 508, Onalaska – Bill is going next week with DOE to take soil sampling. They need to get rid of containers that were contaminated. Bill said gaskets in these machines are not holding up and are leaking. Contaminated water is piped out onto the ground contaminating it. However, the plant is still in operation. DOE has a long due process to go through before they can do anything with the property. o #4 – Stanley, Jodi – 133 Griffin Rd. Onalaska – FYI –Venue facility made out of an agriculture barn. Bill is following up on this and will send a letter out. o #5 – Olsen, Luke & Heather – 1447 US Hwy 12, Ethel – Bill will call him and ask him to come in to talk. This is Agriculture resource lands. Equine use was recently added. o #6 – Smith, John – Cousins Rd. and Mohoric Rd., Chehalis – FYI: Letting DOE handle this so Bill hasn’t heard anything back. Mr. Pickett across the road is concerned about the noise activity and someone has complained about the track he is putting in. Bill told him we cannot do anything about the noise. Commissioner Jackson has already had meetings with Mr. Smith. o #7 – Jemison, Jimmy – 1668 Little Hanaford Rd., Centralia – Mr. Jemison was picked up Friday making suicidal complaints. Most of the dogs have been adopted but some of them are not social and are timid. He wants his dogs back and to leave the County. Involuntary hold and treatment was discussed. It is very difficult to make involuntary holds and there is no place currently to put people. A 72 hour hold is the best that can be done. Cascade Mental Health is building a new facility and will have E&T beds. Bill’s concern is the possibility of his hurting others or animals. o #8 – Moran, Corey – 411-08 Reinke Rd., Centralia – Building a new permitted house with a permitted septic system. Concern is they are living in an RV and using an old septic system. Neighbors claim he poured gasoline in the septic system and lit it. Bill investigated it and found the septic system has moss on it. Bill believes Mr. Moran burned a pile behind the septic system. o #9 – Coal Creek Sewer Extension Project Update – Discussed above. o #10 – Schoen Rd. Rodeo Event – FYI. This may be a bull training center. The Fire District responded to an injury out there but couldn’t drive in as the driveway was too narrow. They must have ingress and egress at those types of events. Smokey will be going out there to check on it. o FYI: Bill added that there is a property on Avery Road East and a neighbor said the owner was dumping chemicals in the water which now has a sheen on it. There has been a dispute going on for years between the neighbors. Bill looked at it and feels it is a bio-sheen and algae with iron-oxide bacteria. The State Department of Agriculture agrees. o Commissioner Stamper asked about Pierson in Packwood where a man died in a fire. Commissioner Stamper has spoken to Lee Napier about this. Bill informed the BOCC that an abatement was done on the property many years ago. The man went to prison and is now out and seems to be doing well. Commissioner Stamper will do a follow up and maybe visit with neighbors.  Veterans Advisory Board Alternate – Danette Discussion: Gary Graveline’s name has been submitted for an alternate board member. The Commissioners are fine with going forward on this. Decision: Gary’s name will be submitted on a resolution to be appointed as an alternate board member on the Veterans Advisory Board.  New Employees – Danette reported the newest hires for the department: 1. Lindsay Giberson – Community Site Leader, Olequa Senior Center 2. Sally Allen – Community Site Leader, Morton Senior Center 3. Laura Coppock – Public Health Nurse, NFP Program - did a ride-along with Thurston supervisor. 4. Vanessa Ruelas – Customer Service. She was interviewed last week for the permanent position. OTHER ISSUES of Concern to the BOCC:  Sr. Center Meeting Tuesday, 1:00 – Danette Discussion: FYI - Danette forwarded an email to the BOCC from Jan Kramer about the senior transition meetings. This regarded signing over some of the buildings to a 501c3 nonprofit or city entity when this is out of the county’s hands. There are some questions in this email and Glenn Carter should probably be in attendance at the next meeting, if possible, to help answer some of the legal questions. The 501c3 called Lewis County Seniors plans to take over the programs and some of the buildings as is. Morton and Winlock buildings are owned by Lewis County, Packwood’s may be owned by Packwood Improvement Club, and Toledo’s is owned by Toledo City. There was a discussion on how it might work to turn over these buildings to the 501c3. A Senior Transition meeting is scheduled for tomorrow to discuss this subject. Centralia College has now expressed an interest in the Morton building.