2017-05-09 Meeting with Central ServicesMeeting with Central Services May 9, 2017 Start time- 2:39 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Steve Walton, Becky Butler, Justyna Thomas Recorder: Rachel Hunt BUDGET • Working on rate setting. • Fair will be doing resolutions in June, Little Miss Friendly Proclamation in August before Fair Week. FINANCE SYSTEM • Working with Tyler Technologies to sync calendars. • MUNIS Phase 1- projected completion April 2018. • Going to start meeting with elected and department heads to give updates. FACILITIES • Health Building renovation is ongoing – completion for Mid-June 2017. • Shelter at Schaefer Park has been completed. • MDK construction to give a pricing on removing an eyebrow at the grandstands. • Twin Cities building walk through-Commissioner Fund expressed desire to be the one who does the walkthrough. • Steve Walton asked about using Fund 301 for the ballot box project, this would be just for the boxes and not the staff on election night. FAIR • Meeting with Mark Bolender-wants to start a project for a covered eating area at the fairgrounds. • Spring Youth Fair- went well, group discussed the future of the Spring Youth Fair. • New Fair Commissioners- the group discussed the current applicants and the status of the current applications. OTHER • Blue Ribbon Task Force- Axel Swanson from WSAC gave a presentation earlier this morning on structures of government in Washington, Tomorrow the task force will be meeting with other Lewis County electeds and Larry Keeton. Meeting recessed at 3:20 p.m.