2017-05-10 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update May 10, 2017 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Commissioner Edna Fund (conference call), Erik Martin, Lara Seiler, recorder Start 10:39 am ADMINISTRATION Budget- Erik noted that we are working on preliminary items for the 2018 budget and also ER&R rates. ER&R Rates- Erik mentioned that we have been looking closely at rates and different scenarios. Tim Mixer is also looking at different options and vehicles purchases for the Sheriff which would include a scenario of only purchasing 3 cars in 2018. Erik said the Sheriff has a request of purchasing 6 cars in 2018. Commissioner Jackson asked why the Sheriff felt he was behind in vehicle purchases. Erik said the Sheriff felt is was because when Steve Mansfield was the Sheriff, he purchased no cars for a period of time and that it has aged his fleet. He wants to play catch up in mileage and age. Commissioner Jackson wanted to know if you could get an extra year of life out of the cars. Erik said that analysis is being done on this. Further discussion was held regarding the fund balance and reserves. Strategic Planning Effort- Erik has a meeting conflict on May 17th and may not be able to make it to the strategic planning meeting. Commissioner Jackson said he will be getting an agenda out soon which will include some questions. He noted that he will get with Erik at a later time if he cannot attend. WSAC Annual Assessment for Public Lands Coordination (Timber Dues)- Erik showed the board the 2017 WSAC annual dues invoice. He is looking for more clarification on what the billing is actually for. Lara contacted WSAC and Karlyn Shannon noted that it use to be called timber dues but Erik wants to make sure the expense is truly for roads or should be shared with other funds. Edna said she will have Laura Berg will call us. North Lewis County Industrial Access-Steering Committee, May 25th 1:00 pm.- Edna said she will attend this meeting. Org Chart Discussion- Erik said that this discussion is on hold for now. He did note though that he was thinking of creating a Maintenance and Fleet Manager type of position. Most of the cost would go to maintenance and roads and could potentially be done within the current budget. He also mentioned a county engineer position and what this would mean for Erik. If this position was created, Erik’s time would be utilized on higher level projects such as the water retention facility and the flood control zone district. Commissioner Stamper asked if there was a training that Tim Mixer could attend that could help him move into a higher position. Erik said he and Tim have had those discussions but will talk with him again. He also said there may be other people interested in this type of position also. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Area 5 Shop Addition- The Area 5 shop addition has been underway since Monday. An awning is being added on the back of the shop and also an additional open and seven closed bays. An approach is also being added on the south side of the building and the shop will now have two approaches. Gary raised the concern for the dairy farm that is located near the shop. The owner felt there may be more traffic on the road due to the new entrance. Erik said that no additional trucks or equipment would be added and most of the traffic will be filtered to the north entrance. This will allow for better circulation of the trucks in the winter. Equipment Roadeo-May 19th- Erik reminded the board that the equipment roadeo will be held next Friday, May 19th. The board has the event on their calendars. REAL ESTATE Jackson Prairie (PSE) Franchise- Erik noted that he, Larry and Glenn had a meeting with PSE recently regarding the Jackson Prairie facility. The discussions with PSE have been a slow process regarding sole negligence. Glenn got their attorney to agree to come back with a proposal that would limit our liability. Gary said PSE has had issues with their gas lines. PSE doesn’t want to agree to sole negligence as they feel they would have to do it for the gas lines as well. Edna left the meeting at 11:16 am ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates Hwy 603- Erik noted that the project has been slow going due to rain. He also expressed concern about CenturyLink not moving facilities. Erik is concerned that may cause project delays as they have a new project manager with little experience. Borst Ave- The Borst Ave open house is tentatively scheduled for May 24th at the Centralia Middle School. This is an outreach meeting for the students and public to discuss the project. The ASB students will hang door hangers early in the week to notify residents of the meeting. We want to try and get as many students to the meeting as possible. 3R (Restoration, Resurfacing, Rehabilitation)- The call for bids went out on Monday and CTB will happen in mid-June. Commissioner Jackson expressed interested in watching the process this summer. UTILITY Vader Reservoir- Erik noted that USDA has verbally approved the grant/loan for the reservoir. Vader had a pipe break on Sunday evening which affected 5 houses. Everyone was notified that they would not have water and it was restored by 11:00 am the next day. Packwood Sewer- Fred Evander, Betsy Dillin and Erik are meeting with the Water District board today at 4:00. Maree Lerchen sent some questions regarding the sewer project and Betsy and Fred working on getting answers. SOLID WASTE Transfer Station Host Fee Agreement- Larry has been busy working on project appraisals but will work on appraisal for this site soon. Disposal District Business- Erik asked the board if they wanted to discuss disposal district business at his regular public works updates or just discuss at the disposal district meetings. Commissioner Stamper said he would prefer that we discuss business at the disposal district meeting unless it is something urgent. He would also like any flood control zone district business to be discussed at their regular meetings as well. The board noted they would like “good of the order” added to our agendas. Ended 11:25 am