2017-05-17 Auditor Treasurer UpdateAuditor Treasurer Update May 17, 2017 10:36 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Rodney Reynolds, Suzette Smith, Larry Grove Recorder: Rieva Lester Treasurer Rodney Reynolds gave an update on liquid earnings as well as revenue. He said the county has collected far less on diverted road taxes simply due to timing. He discussed liquid and long-term earnings. Rodney discussed the current cash / investment balance. Commissioner Fund discussed airport money that will be repaid to the county. Commissioner Jackson asked what the comfortable level for the fund balance would be. Rodney loosely pegged it at $10 million. Suzette Smith said Becky Butler has done extensive research on the topic. Auditor Larry Grove discussed new ballot boxes ordered to help the county be compliant with a bill Gov. Inslee recently signed into law. He said the labor to install the ballot boxes will be expensive. Larry said the box at Morton cost roughly $7,000. Commissioner Stamper said he would ask around about where to install the Mineral ballot box. Larry said it would be tough to have all of the boxes ready to go by July. He suggested installing the boxes as feasible. Suzette Smith most departments are within their expenditure confines. Suzette said the new payroll person is doing a great job. Larry said new election software is on the horizon. He also said there is a federal commission reviewing election standards. Larry said Licensing & Recording isn’t seeing the big upturn in business expected as real estate sales increase. Suzette said there will need to be discussions about special taxing districts and junior taxing districts regarding Munis. She said many counties are moving toward issuing warrants on behalf of the special taxing districts. She said the hope is to do away with hand-entering voucher information. She said Thurston County and Mason County have found success with that. She said the move would place the legal requirements on the districts. Becky Butler and Steve Walton joined the meeting at 11:25 a.m. Commissioner Stamper left at 11:27 a.m. Suzette said she has a ruling from the state auditor’s office as to the roles the county is required to perform. Good of the order Commissioner Fund discussed the flood control zone district meeting held the previous day. Commissioner Stamper returned at 11:33 a.m. Meeting ended at 11:34 a.m.