2017-05-17 ESC MeetingESC Meeting May 17, 2017 8:15 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Sandi Andrus, Arny Davis, Sheila Gray, Paulette Young, Suzette Smith, Scott Tinney, Steve Wohld, Shad Hail, Archie Smith, Megan Sibbert, Carma Oaksmith, Erik Martin, Lee Napier, Becky Butler, David Fine, Wes Rethwill, Jonathan Meyer, Larry Grove Guest: Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer made a motion to approve the April 2017 minutes. Carma Oaksmith seconded the motion. Motion passed. David Fine gave an overview of the changes to the county’s agenda procedure. David said the policy goes above and beyond the rules of the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA). David discussed the difference between what the RCW requires and what the new policy requires. David left at 8:34 a.m. Megan Sibbert gave an update on Munis. She said the “go-live” date has been pushed back to February or April 2018. She said she’ll be setting up meetings with each unit of the county to discuss process changes, etc. Commissioner Fund said Gov. Inslee signed two PDR bills the previous day. Larry Grove said Gov. Inslee signed the ballot box bill the previous day. Lewis County has 90 days in which to comply. Commissioner Jackson arrived at 8:43 a.m. Erik Martin said Gov. Inslee signed a bill restricting cell phone use. Sheila Gray said a bill allowing participation in farm internships passed. She said an agritourism bill also passed. Commissioner Jackson said the kickoff for Strategic Planning is planned for later in the day. Becky Butler discussed the current budget and the 2018 budget, as well as 2018 rates. Commissioner Fund said the county gave Sen. Braun’s office a draft of a list of the county’s unfunded mandates. Commissioner Fund urged looking to outside sources for funding for classes, courses, etc. She discussed recent Legislative Steering Committee meetings. Arny Davis said tax day landed in May. He said $6 million has been collected so far. Sheila Gray said the Master Gardeners’ recent plant sale appears to have been the best on record. She invited the group to two upcoming events. Scott Tinney said a new jury coordinator is being trained. Steve Wohld said changes to the new employee and employee exit policies will be pushed out soon. Shad Hail said he has several new hires. Megan Sibbert discussed upcoming changes to the records retention schedule. Carma Oaksmith said Fiscal is looking to hire an accounting technician. Erik Martin discussed the voucher program for the landfill. He invited the group to a meeting regarding Borst Avenue (5 p.m. Wednesday, May 24, at the Centralia Middle School). Lee Napier said Community Development is busy with building permits. She said she will be hiring a permit tech to fill a retirement vacancy. Becky Butler said the Blue Ribbon Task Force continues to meet at least twice weekly. Wes Rethwill said the Sheriff’s Office has decreased the Packwood Substation to two days a week. He said fair preparations are taking place. Meeting ended 9:09 a.m.