2017-05-22 Meeting with District CourtMeeting with District Court May 22, 2017 Start Time- 3:05 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Doug Carey, Judge Buzzard Guests: Natalie Johnson Recorder: Rachel Hunt Morton Court Location The meeting began with Judge Buzzard by showing current equipment being used in District Court in Morton. He said to continue operations in Morton, they would need a new recording system. Judge Buzzard outlined the number of people they are seeing in Morton once a month. He said they have received about $6700 in fines for the first quarter. The County keeps about half of this amount. Commissioner Fund asked if there is an ability to Skype for hearings. Judge Buzzard was against the idea. Commissioner Jackson asked about the building in Morton. Commissioner Jackson asked what happens when defendants fail to appear for traffic infractions. Judge Buzzard further outlined this. Districting Committee  Suggestion of the status of the court Board of County Commissioners final decision on the status of the court – Judge Buzzard said it’s about a 12 month process. Judge Buzzard outlined a previous decision about keeping the court in Morton. Commissioner Stamper asked about security of the building in Morton. Discussion ensued in regards to the safety of the court in Morton. The group discussed use of FTR Gold software. Commissioner Stamper said he will meet with the Mayor of Morton. Infraction Revenue Judge Buzzard outlined the number of infractions and revenue every year since 2012. He continued by explaining current legislation which will further cut revenue to District Court. Judge Buzzard made the suggestion of utilizing community restitution (service) as a way to cut costs in the county such as maintaining parks. Judge Buzzard showed the Commissioners the system that District Court uses to further outline his main point. Judge Buzzard said that District Court as a whole is an unfunded mandate. Commissioner Stamper said the Board will need to talk with IT to get the proper equipment for the interim. Meeting adjourned at 4:01 p.m.