2017-05-23 Coroner UpdateCoroner Update May 23, 2017 11:26 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Coroner Warren McLeod Guest: Sharyn Decker, Natalie Johnson Recorder: Rieva Lester Warren McLeod gave the following updates: Budget: Over on indigent spending. Statistics: 337deaths – 0 homicides, 6 suicides, 7 accidentals, 3 undetermined, 10 pending, 7 department assists. Legislative update: Bill passed for statewide case management system. Dig class: 16 participants representing 11 agencies attended April class. Next one will be in late summer or in the fall. University of North Texas DNA funding: University lost funding for free DNA testing. He said a college in Oklahoma provides the service for a fee. Bones case from Friday: Homeowner in Winlock was digging up their foundation and found bones wrapped in children’s clothing. It turned out the bones were not human. Peterman Hill Doe – skeletal remains: Warren said the remains found on a Highway 12 logging road in 2011 belong to an 18- to 30-year-old, mixed-race female. He said Washington’s Most Wanted has done a story. He said he wants to explore other ways to get the young woman’s information out there. Commissioner Stamper joined at 11:31 a.m. Sharyn Decker asked if there was any way to tell how long the young woman had been there. Warren said he’d ask the anthropologist. Natalie Johnson asked if the bones were scattered. At 11:38 a.m., the board recessed until 1:30 p.m. Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson and Sharyn Decker remained. Sharyn asked what the meeting with the prosecutor was about and whether any decisions about Hank / Tank had been made. She asked if the dog could be in limbo for some time. Commissioner Stamper said the meeting was executive session, that no decision has been made and that litigation in general can delay decisions. Sharyn left at 11:43 a.m.