2017-05-23 IT May Minutes 5/23/17 IT Director’s Monthly Update Attendees: Commissioner’s Jackson, Fund, and Stamper. Director Wohld. Media was present for final discussion. • SW discussed 2018 IT Budget. SW proposed reducing resources for DLC by .25 FTE and moving those resources to general development services. All three Board members were in favor of this change and all three praised the project and efforts made to keep the County expenses at a minimum while continuing to promote our County. • SW discussed whether DLC will proceed with requesting grant funding for tourism promotion from LTAC and to what level. DLC plans to apply for LTAC funds. • The Board asked SW to discuss the recent PDR legislation. SW suggested creating a workgroup to begin developing our policy/structure to comply with this recent legislation and prepare a resolution that can be in place by the July effective date. The Board directed SW to setup this workgroup with a few obvious players and report back to them. • The Board asked SW to create some notes on notable impacts and effectiveness of DLC. • SW discussed the possibility of a billboard on a County property for welcoming travelers. The Board was very favorable and asked that we utilize Facilities resources for construction to reduce costs. The Board also mentioned that billboards on Twin Transit buses might be work investigating. • SW discussed the MUNIS project and indicated that an employee critical to the project will be out temporarily for a medical issue. • SW announced that we passed our CJIS audits for all agencies within the County, which is pretty exciting. • SW discussed the Jail wifi project and inmate check project in brief. • We ran out of time and all other agenda items were tabled for a future meeting TBD.