2017-05-23 Meeting with Steve MansfieldMeeting with Steve Mansfield May 23, 2017 10:05 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Steve Mansfield, Commissioner Stamper (joined at 10:07 a.m.) Guest: Natalie Johnson Recorder: Rieva Lester EMERGENCY SERVICES Personnel: Steve Mansfield said staffing issues have caused troubles. He said five new employees have been hired, which should help alleviate the problems as training is completed. Policies / procedures: Steve said he is creating a scope of services for the user group, which will help outline what services are provided. ILA: Steve said he is working on an interlocal agreement for the user groups. Fire & Ice: Steve discussed creating a way to allow user groups and provider groups a way to work together and improve communication and service. 911 COMMUNICATIONS Public damage kickoff: Steve said a kickoff was held the previous day. He said some of the project sites were visited the previous day. He said there also are mitigation dollars allocated to make sure the damage doesn’t happen again. Personnel: Steve discussed absences and potential retirements on the horizon. DOE – oil train and pipeline: Steve said he attended a chemical workshop the previous week. He said oil train and pipeline safety responses were discussed. Meeting ended at 10:32 a.m.