2017-05-23 Risk Management Meeting MinutesRisk Management Update Minutes May 23, 2017 Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Judge Lawler, Dale Kammerer, Paulette Young. Guests: Sharyn Decker, Justyna Tomas, Linda Williams Start Time _3:35 p.m.________ End Time ___4:23 p.m.______ 1. Tort Claim Settlement discussion – Entered Executive session RCW 42.30.10(i) for 30 minutes – Linda, Justyna and Sharyn left the room Came out of Executive Session at 3:58. No decisions were made. Judge Lawler & Dale Kammerer left the meeting Justyna, Sharyn and Linda reenter the meeting – We did not start the rest of the update until 4:05p.m. Linda did ask Paulette to explain to her how the county interacts with the risk pool and what the risk pool was. Paulette gave a brief overview of the risk pool, how it was formed, general purpose of the pool and how we work with them in the tort claim and lawsuit process. The Commissioners were not part of this discussion. 2. Budget – Working on setting risk rates 3. PDR Manager hiring process update – We have one more candidate to interview on Wednesday, May 24th and hope to make an offer to a candidate, later this week. 4. Risk Pool Designee Discussion – Paulette mentioned that we need to update the designee resolution for the Risk Pool. It was decided to keep Paulette as the primary board member and make Commissioner Stamper the secondary board member. All three Commissioners agreed with this. 5. Risk Pool Executive Committee Discussion – Paulette stated that there were positions becoming open on the Risk Pool’s Executive Committee. She asked the Commissioners if they would like for her to seek one of the open positions. We discussed the pros and cons and it was decided by all 3 Commissioners that they would like Paulette to seek election to the committee. 6. Defense & Indemnification of County Employee discussion – Paulette let the Commissioners know that a county staff member had approached her about defending and indemnifying them for a possible criminal charge involving their duties as a county employee. Paulette said that she would be the request forward, when and if she received it, and that the Commissioners might want to talk to the Prosecutor’s Office on how to handle such a request. 7. New Tort Claims – a. Virginia Anne Watson – Claims of discrimination, among other things – Discussion only, no decisions were made. This claim is being handled by the same outside counsel that handled the pre defense review 8. Work Schedule update – Paulette will be headed back to AZ tomorrow afternoon, with a plan to return to WA on June 13. 9. Other – Commissioner Stamper asked a couple of questions on how the Risk Pool is dealing with members regarding jail medical costs. Paulette gave a brief answer and no decisions were made Meeting adjourned at 4:23 p.m.