2017-05-30 Meeting regarding Senior Centers FINAL COPYMeeting regarding Senior Centers May 30, 2017 Meeting start time- 10:40 Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Chris Rust, Mona Rae Fish, Michelle Whitten, Zora DeGrandpre, Bill Buschlen, Bill Marshall, Steve Walton, Becky Butler, Jan Kramer, Glenda Forga, Joann Porter, Lynn Ford, Glenn Carter, Doug Carey Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rachel Hunt Commissioner Stamper began the meeting with introductions. The group discussed the ownership of the buildings. Bill Marshall asked about the logistics of the 501©3 entering into a contract in regards to the Toledo location. Glenn Carter outlined the prohibition of gifting public property. The County can gift to other municipal entities such as cities or school districts. The group discussed the implications of this. Glenn Carter further explained the requirements of providing services for the poor and infirm making it statutorily acceptable. Glenda Forga explained how they document the individual’s information who currently utilize the services of the Senior Centers. The transition team expressed concern over the status of the buildings and requested answers to be able to move forward and meet the end deadline. Bill Marshall outlined the future steps of the transition team. Chris Rust asked if the County could enter into a long term lease of their building. Glenn Carter outlined the legal requirements of this. The group further discussed how to potentially word a proposal. Glenn Carter reiterated he represents the County and outlined why the transition team needs their own legal counsel. Glenda Forga asked about the contents in the building being a part of the leasing the building. The group discussed potential lease terms. (insurance, rent, etc.) Bill Buschland asked how the County defines an appropriate county function. Danette York joined the meeting at 11:42 a.m. Danette added input on individuals wanting to run the nutrition program. Meeting recessed at 11:50 a.m.