2017-06-02 Wrap Up MeetingWrap Up Meeting June 2, 2017 Meeting Start time- 11:20 a.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson (Left meeting at 11:27), Candace Hallom Recorder: Rachel Hunt 1. Festival Registrations – Group decided to do one registration for all three board members. 2. Valedictorian/Salutatorian Cake – Commissioners agreed to split cost, paying for each portion personally. 3. Blue Ribbon Task Force – The group discussed scheduling a meeting with the task force once they reconvene after members return from vacation. 4. Budget- The group discussed unfunded mandates within the BOCC office, group memberships and subscription fees. 5. Calendars – The group discussed the calendar for the upcoming week June 5th – June 10th. 6. Good of the order – The group discussed having an office task list. Meeting adjourned at 11: 55 a.m.