2017-06-06 PA UpdateProsecutor’s Update June 6, 2017 2:06 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Matt Matayoshi, David Fine, Eric Eisenberg, Glenn Carter, Janelle Kambich, Commissioner Jackson (arrived at 2:09 p.m.) Guest: Justyna Tomtas Recorder: Rieva Lester Glenn Carter discussed a letter from Bill Fashing that indicated that Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties plan to have a two-county Council of Governments (COG), excluding Lewis County. Commissioner Jackson joined the meeting at 2:09 p.m. Glenn said the county can continue to receive the kind of funding it has received. He said in the future, in may be appropriate for the county to be a part of an economic development district. Matt Matayoshi said there are proposals at the national level to eliminate the EDA. Glenn discussed the RCWs governing COG. Matt said the EDC does not include any entities outside Lewis County. Glenn said the EDC is broadly representative of the interests of the county. Matt discussed the challenges of trying to create a new district. Matt said the commissioners will draft a memo regarding the EDC and the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) list. Commissioner Stamper said he wants Jonathan to sit down with Becky Butler in budget to see if the salary proposal fits within the PA’s current limitation. Janelle said there have been only three applications for the civil DPA position. Eric Eisenberg said he is working on updating / cleaning up the appeals procedure for county code. He said he also is working on a rewrite of the dangerous dog code. Eric discussed language in county code that lists provisions as both a crime and an infraction. He said it appears to be legal, though it’s not clear as to when you choose one versus the other. Matt left at 2:31 p.m. Eric said he’ll put the crime-vs.-infraction provisions on a future agenda. At 2:33 p.m., Commissioner Stamper announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 25 minutes to discuss pending litigation. Executive Session ended at 2:52 p.m., and the meeting resumed at 2:58 p.m. Commissioner Fund asked for explanation regarding the MHA cost savings. David Fine said the safest thing to do would be to list the name of the employee if the board plans to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel. Eric said he believes the Legislature carved that out so the board can consider discipline in private. He said it seems like you wouldn’t have to list the name because the Legislature carved it out as an exception for a reason. He said it boils down to a question of risk tolerance. Glenn said the group needs to come to the county with a proposal for a purchase, lease, or something else. He said the group would need to come with an outline with a timeline, rental amounts, etc. He said it is for them to come forward with, “This is what we want.” He said the legalese will be prepared by the county but that the business points will need to be proposed. Glenn and David said Larry Unzelman would be great individuals to talk with. Janelle Kambich said interpreter costs have been high this year, and she said five individuals will be brought in for an upcoming trial. Meeting adjourned at 3:19 p.m.