2017- 06-15 Meeting with Tacoma PowerMeeting with Tacoma Power June 15, 2017 Start time- 11:00 a.m. Attendees: Comissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Pat McCarty, Keith Underwood, Chris Mattsen Guests: Jordan Naillon, Greg King, Randy LeDuc,Ron Zenkner, Dale Scott Recorder: Rachel Hunt Pat McCarty began the meeting introducing Chris Mattsen, who will be taking over his role at the end of the month when he retires. Chris reiterated he would like to continue to build a relationship with Lewis County. Commissioner Stamper expressed a continuation of an open door policy and a need for a cohesive working relationship. Pat McCarty also mentioned they are public servants and also have to follow the OPMA much like the county. Mossyrock Park Update • Plan submitted to FERC. • Plan has initially been approved. It is currently in the permit process. • Hoping for a permit from the core in 1-2 weeks. Keith Underwood gave an update on the fixes at the hatchery to prevent bird predation in the ponds. • Currently looking at facility updates at the Trout Hatchery. • Keith outlined the current strategies of growing fish and the future of the recovery program. • Possibly looking at rearranging the species within the trout and salmon facilities. • Keith gave a further update on possible location of satellite facilities. Greg King discussed updating an economic impact statement. Keith Underwood further clarified what Tacoma Power is doing in relation to this. Commissioner Stamper extended an invitation to Tacoma Power to come to the monthly Mayors’ Meeting. Keith Underwood proposed the possibility of creating a watershed group. Commissioner Fund asked for an update on Kosmos. • Signage is not currently off the table. • Concern over the possibility of unauthorized camping in the area. • Tacoma Power is currently working with various entities to establish a protected area but showing the history of Kosmos. Keith Underwood said the lake level will not be changing the river flows. Commissioner Jackson left the meeting at 12:00 p.m. Keith Underwood said that Tacoma Power is currently updating the information kiosks at their boat launches. The group discussed the implications of current river flows. Meeting ended at 12:10 p.m.