2017-06-12 Risk Management Meeting MinutesRisk Management Update Agenda June 12, 2017 Attendees: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Danette York, Glenn Carter & Paulette Young Guest: Justyna Tomas Start Time _ _3:05 p.m.___________ End Time ___3:43 p.m.________ 1. Defense & Indemnification discussion for two employees from Health & Social Services – Paulette has received a defense and indemnification request from Danette York and Amy Hanson regarding the possible criminal case stemming from the Hank/Tank lawsuit. Glenn does not believe that the current resolution covers criminal defense and indemnification only if the employees were named in a civil matter. Paulette will research further and get back with the commissioner sometime next week. 2. Update on hiring process for the Public Disclosure Manager – Still working on it 3. Dangerous Animal Hearings Officer Discussion – Danette will be present for this discussion. Danette has asked that she not be the Dangerous Animal Hearings Officer due to the litigation regarding Hank/Tank. Commissioner Fund will talk to Glenn, Danette will talk to the City of Chehalis and Commissioner Stamper will talk to the Sherriff’s office to try to come up with a different hearings officer. 4. Work Schedule for the next month. Paulette will be back next month and plan her trip around the WCRP summer conference. 5. Other - No other business was discussed.