2017-06-14 WU minutesBOCC Wrap-Up Minutes AGENDA for JUNE 14, 2017 Attendees: Commissioners Bobby Jackson, Edna Fund, and Gary Stamper, also present Becky Butler. Recorder: Candace Hallom 1. Correspondence a. Commissioner Fund has a request from Thurston County to ok TRL Trustee. Need to send an email to approve. Have Rieva draft a letter for all three to approve. 2. Calendar, including Fourth of July scheduling a. Reviewed the BOCC Calendar for next week. 3. Budget a. Discussed the diversion of Public Works Funding to the Sheriff’s Office. The group questioned why the position was filled in the first place. The position has specific qualifications required. The BOCC would like an org chart from the Sheriff showing current funded positions. b. Discussion regarding the PA PDR position and how it will be funded through the Risk Funding for the next two years. After two years the departments throughout the county who have been utilizing Casey and the PA will be responsible for reimbursing the fund. c. Discussed office budget 4. LTAC a. Discussed the LTAC applications 5. PDRs a. Discussed PDR Manager position. 6. Festival registration a. Not discussed 7. BHO a. Not discussed 8. .09 a. Not discussed 9. Good of the order a. Commissioner Fund discussed the combination of the three coal transition boards into one board. Rieva and Rachel joined the meeting at 1:05 pm b. Discussed staff issues with the door. Meeting ended at 1:30 pm