2017-06-15 Meeting regarding PDR Position FundingMeeting with regarding PDR Position Funding June 15, 2017 Meeting Start time- 4:50 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Janelle Kambich, Glenn Carter, and Jonathan Meyer. Paulette Young via conf. Call Recorders: Candace Hallom Budget Amendment hearing being moved to July 10th Discussion regarding the DPA position request. The discussion today is for where the funding will come from and who will sign payroll for the DPA 3 position. The PA pays salary and would request reimbursement from fund 505. Paulette thought it was not being funded out of 505. Prosecutors Office stated they do not care where the funding comes from. They just want to have the funding available. Commission Fund would like to be able to tell how much Public Records cost us to have funded. Commissioner Fund moved to pay for the Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 3 out of 505 and additionally putting together a rate structure in 2018. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion carried 3-0. The Prosecutors office reported that Casey Mauermann is spending around 15% of her time on assisting countywide employees with Public Disclosures. The Board will discuss further at the Monday Wrap up meeting. Meeting adjourned at 5:22 p.m.