2017-06-13 Community DevelopmentY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\06 - June (June 5-July 2)\Week of June 12\CD June 13\Agenda 06-13-17 Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update Department: Community Development Date: 06/13/2017 Time: 9:00am Present: Lee Napier, Fred Evander, and Graham Gowing Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Permit Process and Tracking-Monthly report Graham presented the permit trackers to the Commissioners. He indicated applications and issued permits are up from this time last year. Commissioner Fund suggested a resource guide or a computer customers can use to find answers quickly (ex. Telephone numbers of applicable different County Depts. and title companies, info on a potential build sites). Comm. Dev. will research this. A new employee has been hired to replace a Permit Tech 3 due to retirement. 2. Building Code Update Lee informed the Commissioners the need to update the 2015 international building code. Commissioner Stamper wanted to make sure the guidelines are applicable to Lewis County to help make sure there is no impediment to building or unnecessary cost for contractors and their clients. Lee will schedule a time to speak in more detail about the update to code. 3. Planning Division a. Planning Commission There is a Planning Commissioners meeting tonight that will be touring S. Lewis County. b. Shoreline Master Plan Fred presented an update on the Shoreline Master Plan. 4. Process Improvement a. Burn Permits Electronic application/permits are moving forward. 5. Interlocal Agreements a. Cities Lee has been brainstorming with the Cities to determine how ILAs are improving work flow and coordination between entities. Keeping the ILAs clear and simple is important. b. Thurston County-Skookumchuck Wind Energy Initial contact has been made with Thurston County. More info to come. 6. Successional Planning Discussed in update item 1. 7. Packwood Airport Runway Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\06 - June (June 5-July 2)\Week of June 12\CD June 13\Agenda 06-13-17 Minutes.docx Dedication is July 2, 2017. 8. Topics for next update currently scheduled for 07/11/2017 A building code update will be scheduled with the BoCC for informational purposes. Actions to be requested: None.