2017-06-20 Coroner UpdateCoroner Update June 20, 2017 10:14 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Coroner Warren McLeod Guest: Sharyn Decker Recorder: Rieva Lester Warren McLeod gave the following updates: Budget: The Coroner’s Office is over on indigent spending due to eight indigent cremations (at $500 apiece) to date. Statistics: 394 deaths – 0 homicides, 12 suicides, 12 accidentals, 3 undetermined, 4 pending, 7 department assists. Decedent removals: Warren gave a cost analysis of hiring out for decedent removals vs. having the county provide them. Dig class: Next one is planned for the first week in August. Participants pay $200 apiece and stay at a local hotel. Drowning prevention coalition: Warren said he attended Egg Days and gave out 160 coupons for discounts on life jackets. He said Tacoma Power is hesitant about creating a life jacket loaner program due to fears about lawsuits. Warren said another event is planned for July 2 at Mayfield Lake. Internment of unclaimed cremated remains: Warren said the internment of unclaimed cremated remains will take place at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 1. Other: Warren said the 9th Circuit will hear oral arguments in the Ron Reynolds case beginning at 9 a.m. Sept. 1, 2017. Meeting ended at 10:30 a.m.