2017-06-20 Update with HealthUpdate with Public Health & Social Services June 20, 2017 3:31 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Danette York, Bill Teitzel Recorder: Rieva Lester BUDGET • SNAP-Ed grant: Reduced by 34 percent, a $21,692 cut; staff hours for Ellen Kim Cho are being reduced ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS • Coal Creek update –Community Meeting (contractor meet-and-greet) is planned for 6 p.m. Thursday, June, 22 • Update on remodel – Drywall was delivered the previous week, and some electrical work is being done • Update on reorganization – Deputy Director position has gone out again, communicable disease, health educator also being sought • Nurse Family Partnership update – Danette is meeting to discuss a proposed joint effort NEW ISSUES • Updated list of code enforcement cases  Reliable may be interested in Bonagofski property; Bill said the county will need to address the solid waste that will be left over; Bill said the county may need to lease the land rather than sell it  Meth lab on Joppish is very contaminated;  Cousins Road has been barricaded;  Roppert Road apparently logged illegally, vehicles parked in county right-of-way, dead animals • Collected 227,000 tons of tires Bill Teitzel left at 4:01 p.m. • Association of County Human Services (ACHS) special dues assessment – ACHS is requesting a dues assessment. Danette said WSAC wants the ACHS money that was stolen, but she said there are questions about whether it would be legal to ask members to pay “an assessment” after they’ve already paid. She said Lewis County’s share has been identified as roughly $600. • Summer lunch program for kids at schools and churches – Schools typically host summer lunch programs. A school has requested having an additional site at a church. • One-tenth of 1% sales tax MOU with Health Care Authority to use as match for Medicaid transformation – The state has received the Medicaid waiver, which means the state will get a large amount of money. The state is required to provide a nonfederal match. The state must provide a list of Designated State Health Programs (DSHP). Lewis County Public Health has three programs the state could use toward its match. Rieva asked the Prosecutor’s Office to add it to their agenda for their next meeting. BOARD OF HEALTH (BOH) The next BOH will be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday, July 10 Meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.