2017-06-21 ESC MeetingESC Meeting June 21, 2017 8:15 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Tawni Shepherd, Suzette Smith, Shad Hail, Scott Tinney, Susie Parker, Lee Napier, Steve Walton, Archie Smith, Hazel Dibble, Becky Butler, Graham Gowing, Megan Sibbert, Steve Mansfield, Erik Martin, Janelle Kambich, Wes Rethwill, Steve Wohld, Larry Grove, Danette York Guests: Linda Williams, Anil Puri, Larry McGee, Matt Brock Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Jackson made a motion to approve the May 2017 minutes. Scott Tinney seconded the motion. Motion passed. The group discussed the possibility of layoffs due to state budget cuts and precautionary measures that could be taken, such as issuing layoff notices. The group also discussed grants that could be frozen due to the state budget. Commissioner Fund discussed the Open Public Meetings Act and the commissioners’ agendas. She thanked the group for their work with public disclosures. She said one individual has submitted roughly 500 public disclosure requests since Jan. 1. Steve Wohld said GovQA has indicated that software for the new PDR laws would roughly double the cost of the contract. Megan Sibbert gave a Munis update. Becky Butler said Budget will meet with the board to discuss potential budget limitations. She said meetings will take place in September and October. Suzette Smith said trials are being run on ACH. Rieva Lester said the employee picnic is planned for Thursday, July 27. She said the donation levels remain unchanged. Danette York said Homeless Connect served 105 unsheltered individuals in 2016 and 112 in 2017. She discussed an event to help the homeless planned for July 2017. Roundtable Steve Wohld said the Spillman patch is complete. Wes Rethwill said the Sheriff’s Office attended Egg Days. He discussed upcoming festivals as well as deputy graduations coming up. He said the boat patrol will be out. Erik Martin said summer project season has kicked off. He invited the group to an open house for the North Lewis County Industrial Access group planned for June 22. Steve Mansfield said 911 continues to make progress. Becky Butler said she’s giving a small budget training workshop on June 30. Hazel Dibble said a new recording system has been received to help in Morton. Steve Walton said the Blue Ribbon Task Force has been busy researching and working on plans to present to the board. Larry McGee thanked the group, and especially Becky Butler, for their help with the task force. Danette York said an open house meet-and-greet for the seniors’ nonprofit board is planned for June 22. She said she is looking to hire for two positions. Lee Napier said the Packwood Airport is open and that a dedication is planned for July 2. She said demolition continues on the Airport Road building. Shad Hail said Juvenile Court is fully staffed. He said he is watching the state budget process very closely, and he discussed concerns regarding the Block Grant funding. Larry Grove said eight more ballot boxes are being installed. He asked for contacts for potential sites in Vader, Mineral, and Mossyrock. Suzette Smith said the annual report was filed on time and that the audit will begin next week. Tawni Shepherd said construction is taking place on the basement-floor level of the building. Commissioner Jackson said he has been appointed to the state Enhanced 911 Committee through WSAC. He said a new high-tech system is coming down the pike. He said the state may consider regionalizing 911 coverage. Steve Mansfield said there’s a push toward consolidation. Rieva Lester reminded the group that The Chronicle will become the county’s newspaper of record effective July 1. Meeting ended 8:58 a.m.