2017-06-27 Budget UpdateBudget Update June 27, 2017 2:37 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Archie Smith, Daleyn Coleman Guests: Justyna Tomtas Recorder: Rieva Lester . At 2:40 p.m., the board announced it would hold private union negotiation discussions for 10 minutes. At 2:50 p.m., the board extended private union negotiation discussions for an additional 10 minutes. Private discussions ended at 3 p.m. Becky discussed revenue sources and timber taxes. She said sales tax is improving steadily, while investment is inching upward. Becky said the county received the PILT payment. She said it would total $429,000 for 2017. Becky discussed revenue projections and the estimated change in reserves. She said the 2017 budget shows a use of a little over $2 million. She said the optimistic view would include a use of $550,000. She gave four scenarios: 1. Balanced budget that assumes transfers will be reduced as the senior centers transition to a nonprofit. 2. Operational costs would be maintained (not increased), while salary and benefits would be increased. 3. No increases over 2017. 4. A 1 percent increase over 2017. Becky discussed potential cuts and the fact that across-the-board cuts are not feasible. She said there could be savings in rollback funds from budgeted positions that remain vacant. She also discussed a levy shift. Revenue assumptions: Becky said sales and use taxes are increasing, as are criminal justice taxes. She said traffic fines have decreased, while timber sales appear flat. She said payment in lieu of taxes (PILT) funding increased to $429,000. Becky said she believes the marijuana distribution takes place in July. Becky said the early Forest Board Yield projection from DNR has led to a conservative FBY budget. Expenditures: Assumes senior transition will be effective in January. She said it assumes there will be savings due to retirements, continued mental health and jail medical mental health funding. Includes changes in Interfund rates. Options: Levy shifts, increase diversion, reduce WSU budget, cut immunization program, look into double-covered employees, organizational changes, travel stipends, limit Discover Lewis County only to the grant amount, use REET funds as grant match for FAA projects in place of general fund dollars. Capital: Relocate Juvenile, craft detainable capital plan, relocate emergency services, relocate Public Works, changes to address security concerns in the Auditor’s Office, continued Fair building maintenance. Becky said some of the unknowns include senior centers, retirements, health benefits, LEOFF II, LEOFF I, etc. Commissioner Stamper left at 3:43 p.m. Becky said she’ll need a decision July 6. Commissioner Stamper returned at 3:46 p.m. Becky said budget meetings might be held in two two-day sessions beginning in September. She said she’d like to create a form that departments can submit to help streamline the process. She discussed encouraging members of the public to attend. Commissioner Fund said she’d like to work toward a balanced budget rather than maintaining. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson echoed that. The board discussed the need for succession planning. Meeting ended at 3:56 p.m.