2017-06-28 Auditor Treasurer UpdateAuditor / Treasurer Update June 28, 2017 1:33 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Arny Davis, Rodney Reynolds, Larry Grove, Suzette Smith, Becky Butler Recorder: Rieva Lester Treasurer Rodney said the county is holding a $74 million bond for one of the school districts. Rodney gave an overview about county revenues. He said the county’s total is $137,000 behind where the county was last year. He said Roads is down by $751,000. He said sales and use tax is up from 2016. Becky Butler said PILT also is greater than expected. Rodney said interest earnings are at $41,000, the highest monthly total since July 2013. Becky Butler asked if there were any funds that could be swept into the general fund. Rodney said he would take a look. Rodney said the cash / investment balance is down considerably for 2017. The group discussed the FAA grant match. Arny Davis said Ascend will sunset in seven or eight years. He said the replacement costs will be similar to the costs associated with Munis. Larry said a formal debt policy exists. Auditor Suzette Smith said nearly all departments are within their budgeted amounts. Financial Services: New employees doing well. Suzette said departments and offices need to do a better job accepting resignation letters. She said everything needs to be done in writing. Suzette also discussed the need to carefully watch the contract language for admin leave, etc. She discussed watching award dates and possible looking to prorations. Rodney left at 2:09 p.m. Employee celebration policy / guidelines: Suzette said she wants policies or guidelines determining if / when reimbursement would take place. She said she wants HR to write the policy because the Auditor’s Office ultimately must audit those. Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Jackson said they want to ask HR to draft a policy. Munis: Suzette said there will be two pay periods per month once Munis is up and running. She recommended asking for a policy making auto deposits mandatory. Special Purpose Districts: Suzette said she wants issue all Special Purpose District warrants through one expenditure (BARS). Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Jackson agreed to make that move. Suzette discussed better exploration of buying versus leasing equipment such as copiers. Elections: Larry Grove said the Winlock ballot box is moving forward. He discussed the purchase of Clear Ballot to replace one that will sunset in 2020, which is a presidential election. He said he’d like the new system up and running before that time. His said the new one would be $179,000. He said $68,000 would come from Election reserves. He suggested looking at Fund 310. Larry also discussed the need for a look at campus security. He also talked about reconfiguring the office so that all workstations could do recording as well as licensing. Larry and Suzette discussed their departments’ budget. Suzette discussed the need to address donated time. She said she’ll change the verbiage at the bottom of the form. Commissioner Stamper arrived at 2:52 p.m. Meeting ended at 2:53 p.m.