2017-06-28 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update June 28, 2017 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Commissioner Edna Fund, Becky Butler, Archie Smith, Erik Martin, Lara Seiler, recorder Start 10:01 am ADMINISTRATION Org Chart Review and Approval- Erik presented the board with a draft org chart with the following changes: New positions on the org chart include: County Engineer Fleet Services Manager Traffic Engineer Positions that will be eliminated: GIS Analyst III Office Assistant Maintenance and Traffic Engineer Position on hold for a year: Engineering Tech III (Mobility) County Engineer- Erik noted that he and Lara had met with Archie to review the changes to the org chart and discussed HR issues. The budgetary information was sent to Becky for review also. Discussion was held regarding the duties between the director and the county engineer and the scoring of the county engineer position. The new county engineer position will allow Erik’s time to be freed up to work on special project like the water retention facility. Fleet Services Manager- Erik feels it is imperative that we decide what is important in the positon. He noted that he would probably move forward with a wide recruitment and current employees are welcome to apply. Currently Erik and Kevin are handling some of the fleet duties. Further discussion was held regarding the responsibilities of a fleet manager. Traffic Engineer- The Maintenance and Traffic Engineer was Erik’s previous position. This will be removed from Fleet and converted to a Traffic Engineer. The portion that was budgeted in Fleet will be moved to Roads. Transportation planning will be moved under the traffic division. Erik also said that survey will be moved from Real Estate to Engineering. Other Positions- Water Utility Operator- John Strom now has a WTPO 3 certification due to plant requirements. The water system plan upgrade required the position to be a 3 certification. The position was sent to Matt Weatherly for scoring but it came back as the same grade. Archie said the qualifications match where it was originally scored. Archie asked the board if they wanted to maintain the position as is or move it up a grade. Recycling Coordinator- Erik noted that this is Melanie Case’s positon and it appears to be scored low based on other comparable positions within the County. Recently a Health Educator position was posted and it was a grade 21. Many of the duties and responsibilities are the same. Moving the position to a grade 21 would be a 10% increase. There would be no compression issues if this where to happen. Commissioner Jackson left the meeting at 11:00 Engineering Tech IV-Real Estate- Kelly Albert recently received her real estate appraiser license. Currently the Engineering Tech IV’s get a 5% increase for having a PE and Erik is asking for the same increase for those who have a real estate appraiser license, including Kelly. He noted that we can now do appraisals in house and it will be less expensive than hiring out. We could potentially save $40-$50k per year. Gary had some concerns about having an in house person doing appraisals. Erik said that Kelly went out on her own and got the appraisal license. Archie said this increased her skill set and it would be a cost savings to the county. He also feels this license is similar to a PE requirement. Archie left the meeting at 11:08 Erik noted that if the Recycling Coordinator positon were to be increased then the Hazardous Waste Program Coordinator position could be increased as well as their jobs are similar. Commissioner Stamper said he would like to have more time to think and review the impacts. Commissioner Jackson entered the meeting at 11:26 am All three board members signed the new 2017 Public Works organizational chart. PAF’s will be submitted for the new positions. Budget- No discussion Personnel Discussion- • Traffic Control- Erik noted that Mike Barr’s last day at the county is today and Lori Mohney’s is tomorrow. Lori’s position is currently posted to the union. Larry Bremgartner will be temporarily filling in as the Traffic Control Supervisor for the summer. The Traffic Control Supervisor position will be filled after summer when striping is done. • Mike Gilk- No discussion North Lewis County Industrial Access-Steering Committee, June 29th 1:00 pm- Erik noted that this meeting will be held tomorrow at the public works building. Commissioner Jackson left the meeting at 11:43 Packwood Sewer- Erik said that this project has been turned over to the Economic Development Council. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS Area 5 Shop Addition- The concrete pour was not up to standard and we are waiting for response from the contractor. WATV- Commissioner Stamper and Erik will be reviewing more roads on Friday. Becky left the meeting at 11:46 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates Hwy 603- Erik discussed the issues with CenturyLink but noted they are trying to get them resolved and working on the project. Borst Ave- Erik said the engineers are actively working on design of this project and are collecting right of way survey information. CTB and Chip Seal- Erik noted that CTB and Chip seal are going fine but iterated the importance of having a commercial vehicle officer on projects and currently there isn’t one. This is a huge concern for the safety of the employees. Hwy Safety Grant Project- This project is underway on Coal Creek Rd and Peterson Brothers is doing the work. The project is going well. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- This project is back online and MSA is working on the design. This project will be out to bid early next year and construction will begin next summer. Rates- Erik noted that the new rates are currently in place. GOOD OF THE ORDER Flood- Commissioner Fund discussed an email she received on behalf of the Office of the Chehalis Basin from the Quinault Indian Tribe. Ended 12:02 am