2017-07-03 Update with Health BOCC Update Minutes July 3, 2017 Start Time: 2:10 pm End Time: 3:49 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Recorder: Sandi Andrus BUDGET Recently the nitrate machine in the water lab quit working and is unable to be repaired. Vickie and Meredith researched various equipment to determine the best and most efficient type to order as a replacement. The new equipment will cost approximately $5,000. We have ER&R money set aside for lab equipment and we could probably use some of it for this purchase. Water testing is not a mandated program and Danette asked if the Commissioners felt the water lab was going to be kept operational before any money is spent on the lab. Commissioner Stamper asked who would do the testing if we didn’t. Danette said it causes more work for the contractors if they have to take it to Thurston County which is the closest lab. We charge $28 to test bacterial and E.coli, and $29 for nitrates. Current Expense has helped balance the lab expenses with the overage over the past three years at approximately $9,700. Our average revenue a year is about $100,000 and it costs about $110,000 to run the lab. It is 100% fee based. Although, if we charged more, it is likely people would go elsewhere. If we terminated the program, one employee would lose her job completely and one would go from 90% to 100% in the food program which also requires Current Expense. It is a benefit to the community to have it. Decision: Danette will check what Thurston County charges when Vickie and Meredith return from vacation and inform the BOCC within the next two weeks. NEW ISSUE INVOLVING SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT • Providing Naloxone in Sheriff’s vehicles (WREMS Grant) Discussion: Katie Strozyk submitted the WREMS grant. She talked to another State agency and non-profit that will gladly help us sustain this program by helping us replace kits as they get used. ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS • Coal Creek Update – Danette Discussion: Work started on this project on June 26. We had a good turnout at our meeting with six out of nine families and the contractor attending. These are older houses and are within the City of Chehalis’ jurisdiction. There is still a little of the promised $25,000 not spent for which we will be invoiced. The City may still waive the hook-up fees. • Update on Reorganization - Danette Discussion: We closed the Health Educator position on Friday and have 4-6 applications. Two look good so we should be able to fill that fairly quickly. The Deputy Director position had one applicant pull out but will be added back into the pool of applicants. We will hold interviews soon. NEW ISSUES Bill is on vacation today. • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o They are making progress slowly on the Reynolds Road site removing metal. We need to determine where the funds will come from for the remainder of the abatement once they are finished. o Commissioner Stamper reported Larry from Onalaska called him and reported there were some transients who moved in on one of the lots after being kicked out of another tract. Larry does not know who owns it but has spoken to Smokey about it. Decision: Commissioner Stamper will let Larry know that Bill will call him. Danette will give Bill Larry’s phone number. Reported: As of June 30, the people on Airport Road have cleaned up and are gone. OTHER ISSUES of Concern to the BOCC • Flyers for Senior Centers – Danette Discussion: Commissioner Fund had flyers to get to the Senior Centers and gave them to Danette to give to Glenda. • Winlock Senior Center Property – Danette Discussion: Mr. White is talking about getting the Senior Center property in Winlock but it is too late for him to obtain ownership for the City. Decision: Danette will let Glenda know the BOCC knows nothing about Mr. White obtaining the property for the City of Winlock. • Sr. Centers – Danette Discussion: There is a PDR from John Panesko requesting a chart broken down by zip codes and senior centers. He is trying to get a rough idea of how many attend the centers. Approximately 6% of the population over 60 attend these centers. Commissioner Stamper attended Morton’s Senior Center Friday night for spaghetti, dancing and singing, as well as Saturday’s breakfast. There were approximately 15 people attending. Commissioner Fund attended the Twin Cities’ breakfast which had about 95 people attending and Toledo had about 110 in attendance. Mr. Panesko would like to be on the Sr. Center Board as a regular member. Commissioner Stamper suggested a couple ideas on how to raise money, by charging membership dues or offering Bingo. Commissioner Fund is ready to decide what to do with the building. There is a lease template available or could draft one. The PAO would then review it. The Board will be voted in on July 14 and we should be able to get negotiations done after that. They would need 15 members to get a gambling license. Decision: Danette will get data to the Commissioners. Becky will get the budget worksheet for Mr. Panesko. • BHO – Danette Discussion: BHO can now provide services under their license as a BHA. BHA is a separate entity but still within the BHO. We continue to get concerns from several service providers about how the BHO operates. • Financial Integration Mid-adoptors - Danette Danette asked if the BOCC could ask the BHO to make sure other people are at the workshop on July 14 to give their opinions. The Public Health Directors of the five counties within the BHO region met and put together pros and cons about going “mid-adopter” or waiting until 2020 for full integration. One major con is if we wait until 2020 we have no negotiation room. If we go mid-adotper, we can negotiate to keep some of our local programs that are outside of traditional medicaid. Danette handed out the document of pros and cons to provide the Commissioners with enough information to make an educated decision. Commissioner Fund sent a note to Marc to find out who is coming to present. Danette reported we received $12,000,000 for the Foundational Public Health Services (FPHS) in the operating budget that passed. Now we are waiting for the capital budget to be approved. Ten million will go to Local Health Jurisdictions. Assessment for ACHS will be put on the next PAO Update by Rieva. They are trying to do a special assessment from all the members to recoup some of the funds that were stolen. Danette and the BOCC discussed the State budget that passed June 30, 2017. Danette reported that Kit Carson Restaurant was closed for one day due to red points including rats in the building, but is now open. They had 95 red point violations. They had to purchase a new cooler to keep temperatures correct. They discussed the resolution/motion made at the BOCC hearing this morning. Danette requested information be sent to the Commissioners not the Animal Shelter staff regarding the Dangerous Dog situation.