2017-07-11 Meeting with the Prosecutors Office1 Prosecutor’s Update July 11, 2017 1 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Jonathan Meyer, Glenn Carter, David Fine, Daleyn Coleman, Janelle Kambich, Eric Eisenberg Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Sharyn Decker (1:05 p.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer said he has asked the FARA trainer about combining the training. He said he also may be able to use STOP grant funding to pay for it. Jonathan said the new PDR attorney, Ross Pederson, will start work Aug. 1. Jonathan had no agenda items to be discussed in executive session. Eric Eisenberg said he would hold off discussions about the Flood Control Zone District. Eric discussed a Kittitas County appeal of a Liquor and Cannabis Board decision. He discussed an application submitted for the Centralia UGA. He said the opinion issued in June regarding Kittitas County determined that rulings are bound by local zoning. The commissioners asked him to contact the court to follow up about the testimony he had submitted during the Kittitas County case. Commissioner Fund made a motion to have the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office seek participation in the Kittitas County litigation with the Cannabis Board in an amicus or other supportive capacity. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion approved 3-0. Eric said Paulette Young is working on resolutions regarding the PDR bills recently signed into law. Eric suggested having all electeds work on policies regarding PDRs. He suggested using the statutory costs instead of actual costs for PDR fees. He said using the statutory costs would require the county to revisit the costs associated with burning CDs. Commissioner Fund left at 1:27 p.m. and returned at 1:29 p.m. Eric discussed the efforts that went into setting rates in 2008. Eric said GOV QA is working on a new package of functions that would be linked to paying for PDRs. 2 Eric said 1594 deals with keeping certain records and sending information to JLARC. Eric said the county already is doing pretty well with records retention. Jonathan discussed a letter from the Association of County Human Services (ACHS) looking for additional funding in the fallout from the April Kelley theft. The group said ACHS should have had a mechanism in place in case of this type of emergencies. The group is a private, nonprofit organization, with bylaws, Glenn Carter found. Glenn said if the ACHS is going to ask for more money, it should do so in the ways laid out in its bylaws. The group discussed the restitution April Kelley was ordered to pay. At 1:46 p.m., Commissioner Stamper announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 20 minutes to discuss litigation. Executive Session ended at 2 p.m. No decisions were made. Meeting ended at 2 p.m. Sharyn Decker returned and told the board about how local cities handle PDRs. She left at 2:04 p.m.