2017-07-12 Final update with CommissionersBlue Ribbon Task Force Meeting July 12, 2017 Start time- 1:30 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Lonnie Willey, Tony Briggs, Larry McGee, Anil Puri, Lee Grose, Steve Walton Guests: Susan DeLaire, Becky Butler, Linda Williams, Matt Brock, Justyna Tomtas, Ron Nilson Recorder: Rachel Hunt Commissioner Stamper began the meeting with introductions. Larry McGee gave an overview of what the Task Force researched. Larry further explain how the Task Force did not focus on specific issues within the County. Additionally, he expressed all of the decisions of the Task Force were unanimous. Larry discussed the various organizational forms of counties in Washington. Larry outlined the decision of the Task Force is to appoint a County manager while finding the money to pay the salary from the general fund. Commissioner Stamper provided input several of the main points provided by the Task Force. Larry added several personal job experiences to reiterate the main points in regards to the need for efficiency. Larry outlined the qualities of what the manager would need to have. Larry then transitioned to the implementation plan. He also added the electeds should also be able to add input. Larry briefly discussed the necessary pay scale and a need for community involvement. Various members of the Task Force added input on specific items they learned throughout the process. Lee Grose added a concern of how to justify hiring a new person while not giving salary raises to current staff. Larry added the Task Force really wants an emphasis on a manager with professional qualities instead of political charisma. Commissioner Jackson asked if the guests in the room would like to add input. Matt Brock added he thought the Task Force did an excellent job researching the topic. Ron Nilson expressed a concern for the manager not being selected by the voters. He continued by expressing concern for the increase in county government and the missing cross section of female and younger voters. He also added that a manager would add another layer for the tax payer to go through to get in touch with their Commissioners. Linda Williams asked for clarification on relations between the Commissioners and department heads in regards to quorums and OPMA. Lee Grose added input on the talking points the guests had previously mentioned. Commissioner Jackson also added the how well the current Commission works together. The group discussed OPMA and public records requests. Anil reiterated the Task Force’s recommendation to find the money for a manager’s salary within the General Fund. Tony Briggs discussed how significant the change would be for the BOCC to accept and implement a manager position. Larry McGee added the Task Force spent a considerable amount of time researching bringing the option of a County manager before voters in Lewis County. Commissioner Stamper added before a final decision is made there will be an opportunity for community input. Lonnie Willey added there is difference between city government and county government. He continued by discussing how having a manager would alleviate the day to day operations of the Board to be able to focus on larger issues facing Lewis County. Ron Nelson asked several other questions about other counties management style. Larry also added that the current department heads were asked to give input on having a manager. Larry expressed a unanimous Task Force desire that if the BOCC is to accept the recommendation to ensure the hiring and implementation is done well. Meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.