2017-07-18 Risk Management Meeting MinutesRisk Management Update Agenda July 18, 2017 1:00 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Paulette Young Guest: Sharyn Decker, Justyna Tomas Start Time ____1:13 p.m._________ End Time _____1:47_p.m._________ 1. PDR Manager Hiring Process Update – Second round of interviews took place on 7/13/18. There are two candidates being considered. Paulette expects to make a decision in the next week or so. 2. Pay System for PDR charges – We will need to figure out how to accept and receipt payments for PDR’s once a new fee schedule goes into place. Another question is where does the money received from PDRs go? Paulette suggested that all monies received go back into 505-184 to help offset the cost of the program. The BOCC thought this was a good idea. Paulette will work with Steve Wohld and Suzette to see what they can all come up with. 3. Discussion on Johanson tort claim – Paulette will be recommending denial of the claim – Action will need to be taken by the BOCC- the BOCC voted 3-0 to deny the claim. 4. New Tort Claim Discussion a. Gross – Claims rock chip damage to his boat by driving on chip seal - $2,964 - $3,379.09 – Paulette will gather more information b. Mayoh – Claims vibration from driving on Bunker Creek road caused electrical failure to his car. $1,836.23 - $2,000.00 – Paulette will gather more information. 5. Budget – no discussion 6. Discussion on Paulette continuing to telecommute and travel schedule. – Paulette told the BOCC that she was getting ready to transition to AZ full time and would be leaving sometime the first half of 2018. She doesn’t have a firm date yet. She encouraged the BOCC to start looking at a recruitment process. Paulette will be back in August for the Fair and for some mediation. 7. Other – No other business was discussed.