2017-07-25 Meeting with Steve MansfieldMeeting with Steve Mansfield July 25, 2017 Start time- 10:05 a.m. Attendees: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Steve Mansfield Guests: Sharyn Decker Recorder: Rachel Hunt Emergency Services Steve discussed a personnel matter in the 911 center. Steve outlined the training of new dispatchers. The group discussed the status of the Interlocal Agreement. Steve reiterated the need for cohesion. Steve discussed that he and Dave are working on policies and procedures for the center. Steve mentioned they will begin Guild negotiations next month. Steve said he will be bringing a resolution to the Board in regards to Radio Services. Emergency Management Steve said they are missing having a third person within the office. Lewis County Alert- said he will be testing the system periodically. Dam exercise- September 12th. Pe Ell Water System- still trying to get help from FEMA. Steve discussed that he is drafting MOU’s for various other office’s volunteer services. Steve briefed the Commissioners on the budget of Emergency Services and Emergency Management. Meeting recessed at 10:41 a.m.