2017-08-09 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update August 9, 2017 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson (via conf. call), Commissioner Stamper, Lee Napier, Erik Martin, Paulette Young, Steve Wohld, Tamara Hayes, Danette York, Sheila Gray, Steve Walton, Becky Butler, Archie Smith, Paulette Young (by phone) Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Ed Fund, and Susan DeLaire Recorder: Candace Hallom Steve Walton discussed a proclamation honoring the 2017 Southwest Washington Fair "Little Miss Friendly” Program. Erik Martin discussed a call for sealed bids for the 2017 Debris Removal Project, County Project No. SW- CTS 17-19 Danette York discussed a proposed Resolution to approve a Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) Agreement between Washington State Department of Commerce (DOC). Paulette Young discussed the Resolution to approve Law, Lyman, Daniel, Kamerrer & Bogdanovich, P.S; to represent county employees: Danette York, Amy Hanson and Gabriel Frase in a litigation case in which all three are named as defendants. Paulette Young discussed the Resolution Change of Fund 505-184. Erik Martin discussed Ratifying a consultant contract with Murraysmith Inc. over $40,000 for an active Public Works project. Lee Napier discussed re-submitting a grant to construct various site improvements at the Ed Carlson Memorial-South Lewis County Airport. Lee Napier discussed a bid and awarding a contract for the Ed Carlson Memorial-South Lewis County Airport. Lee Napier discussed appointments of John Mathews, John Beck, and John Roe to the Lewis County Airport System Advisory Board. Lee Napier discussed a hearing to consider Draft Ordinance 1276 for amendments to LCC Chapter 15.05, Building Codes. Commissioner Fund made a motion to move 1 presentations, 1 Notice, 2 Consent items, 7 Deliberation items, and 1 Hearing to the Monday, Aug. 14, 2017, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Roundtable Lee Napier stated that Community Development monthly permits are up 16% and health permits are up 27%. Erik Martin stated there are two meetings this afternoon, the Chehalis Flood Zone District and the Cowlitz Flood Control Zone District. Danette York stated the Public Health and Social Services Department will be getting a fair booth. She also stated that JP Anderson has been hired as a Deputy Director. He will start on the 21st of August. Danette discussed her concerns regarding soon to be unfunded mandates regarding solid waste. Tamara Hayes thanked all the departments for their help. She then discussed upcoming the upcoming fair. Paulette Young stated everyone will need to designate a contact person for Public Disclosure requests. Casey Mauermann will be starting on the 21st. The Prosecutor’s Office DPA has been hired. Steve Wohld discussed that his staff will be split, and half will be working at the fair. Danette York brought up the issues that occurred at the Ohio State Fair. There was also a Swine Flu outbreak. Danette recommended a number of hand washing station throughout. Tamara Hayes said there is a petting zoo this year and there is a hand washing station as one leaves the zoo. Steve Walton stated budgets are due Monday. There will be an interim manager in the fiscal office. This will allow us time to see how the Munis system works. Archie Smith stated he has had a conversation with PERC and they are working on setting up a meeting. Sheila Gray provided a publication regarding Food Safety. She also discussed 4-H at the Fair. The WSU office is closed during the fair week because they are at the fair. Commissioner Jackson was at the WA Transportation Association conference this week. Rob Lafontaine is leaving and going to Intercity Transit in Olympia. Commissioner Jackson will be at the WCIF Board of Directors meeting tomorrow. Commissioner Fund discussed the Centralia City Council Meeting last night. Good of the Order Ed Fund stated the County is going through hard times and he wants to encourage everyone to continue doing the right things. Meeting ended at 10:00 a.m.